${\ll}$영추(靈樞).논용(論勇)${\gg}$ 에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)

  • 이남구 (동신대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실) ;
  • 장대원 (동신대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.24


YoungChu NonYong(靈樞 論勇)seems to be named as such by its explanation in detail about the brave man who can and the coward who cannot stand pain respectively. In the first chapter, it is considered that the factors of diseases are dependent upon the state of skin and flash. In the second chapter, it is put about the problem of standing pain and not. In the third chapter, about the causes of resulting in brave or unbrave man. And in the fourth chapter, about drunken frenzy(酒悖). More concretely speaking, in the first chapter, it is explained that the factors of pathogenesis are related closely with the state of skin and flash, so to speak, though the outer factors which can arouse diseases should exist, the sensitivity of skin and flash which are the first defense tissue in human body, is more important factor. Undoubtedly, the environmental factors existing in physical nature which surrounds human life, have influenced upon human health, especially in ancient times. But, this chapter exhibits some reflections that ultimately the inner conditions of human body decide the attack of diseases. However, this chapter may have some corruptions for it reveals the contents which are not fit with the headline. In the second chapter, it is written that the sensitivity to pain is not only dependent upon the character of bravery but also upon the thickness of skin, the strength of flesh and the speed of response. In this we evidence that the ancient people had the idea that human pain-feeling is more dependent upon the degree of development of sensory neuron of physical body than one's character of bravery. In the third chapter, ti is described that the differences of physical development mainly influence the differences of the degree of mental bravery. In the fourth chapter, the drunken frenzy is explained. The implication is that as civilization has been growing, the drinking culture has made both in dividual and social health affair. The alcohol has the function of pleasing mind improving the quality of human life but it can also destroy both human body and mind when abused. About the harms like this, this part wams by the examples of drunken man's abnormal behaviors.



  1. 黃帝鍼灸甲乙經 皇甫謐
  2. 黃帝內經太素(淸 ${\cdot}$ 袁昶刻本) 楊上善
  3. 黃帝內經太素(蕭延平本) 楊上善
  4. 新編黃帝內經素問 王빙
  5. 黃帝內經靈樞注證發微 馬蒔
  6. 黃帝內經素問靈樞 張馬合注
  7. 醫經註釋(古今圖書集成醫部全錄) 陳夢書(外 1人)
  8. 類經 張介賓
  9. 黃元御醫書十一種(靈樞懸解) 黃元御
  10. 黃帝內經靈樞校注語譯 郭靄春
  11. 靈樞經校釋 河北醫學院
  12. 黃帝內經章句索引 任應秋
  13. 素問識, 素問紹識, 靈樞識, 難經疏證 丹波元簡
  14. 黃帝內經古注選集5(靈樞講義) 小曾戶洋
  15. 黃帝內經靈樞譯解 楊維傑
  16. 評析本白話黃帝內經 王貴元(外1人)
  17. 王빙註靈樞經 王氷
  18. 黃帝內經槪論 龍伯堅
  19. 黃帝內經(附白話全譯) 元陽眞人
  20. 靈樞讀書 李政育
  21. 靈樞經 宗全和
  22. 靈樞槪論 池田政一
  23. 東醫壽世保元註釋 韓東錫
  24. 東醫壽世保元註釋 韓東錫