Effects of Liriopis Tuber Herbal-Acupuncture on Diabetes Mellitus Induced by Streptozotocin in Rat

맥문동약침액(麥門冬藥鍼液)이 Streptozotocin으로 유발된 흰쥐의 당뇨병에 미치는 영향


This study was carried out to investigate the effects of Liriopis Tuber Herbal-Acupuncture on Diabetes Mellitus induced by streptozotocin in rat. Body weight, serum insulin, glucose, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, free cholesterol and total protein were measured in streptozotocin induced diabetic rat injected with Liriopis Tuber Herbal-Acupuncture solution at Pisu(BL20) respectively for 30 days. In order to study the effects of Liriopis Tuber Herbal-Acupuncture at Pisu(BL20) on Diabetes Mellitus induced by Streptozotocin in rat, The groups were divided into five groups; Normal group(non treated group), N.-Saline group(administration of injection with normal saline at BL20 in 30 days after streptozotocin injection), Control group(non treated group after streptozotocin injection), H. Acup. group (administration of Liriopis Tuber Herbal-Acupuncture at BL20 in 30 days after streptozotocin injection), and Acup. group (administration of acupuncture at BL20 in 30 days after streptozotocin injection). The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. As compared with Control group, there wae no significant tendency to diminish the rate of weight loss in H. - Acup. group. 2. As compared with Control group, there wae signiticant increase of serum insulin level in H. -Acup. group. 3. As compared with Control group, there was decrease of glucose level in H.- Acup. group. 4. As compared with Control group, there was decrease of triglyceride level in H. - Acup. group. 5. As compared with Control group, trere wae increase of HDL cholesterol level in H. - Acup. group. 6. As compared with Control group, there was significant increase of free cholesterol level in H. - Acup. group. 7. As compared with Control group, there was Increase of total protein level in H. - Acup. group. According to above mentioned results, Liriopis Tuber Herbal-Acupuncture was expected to be effective in treatment of Diabetes Mellitus and its complications.



  1. 임상당뇨병학 이태희
  2. 임상내분비학` 민헌기
  3. 내분비학 대한분비학회
  4. 皇帝醫學 v.2 no.1 消渴(糖尿病)의 槪念과 그 治療에 關한 硏究 朴憲在
  5. 中醫內科學 上海中醫學院(編)
  6. 黃帝內經素問譯解 楊維傑
  7. 神農本草經 陶弘景
  8. 東方醫藥 v.4 糖尿病의 原因과 治療 金益洙
  9. 서울의대논문집 v.3 糖尿病에 關한 醫史學的 硏究 李英澤
  10. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.30 消渴과 脚氣論 韓南洙
  11. 東洋醫學 v.4 糖尿病의 考察 杜鎬京
  12. 東醫生理學會誌 v.1 消渴에 應用되는 白虎湯이 alloxan糖尿에 미치는 影響 金完熙
  13. 東醫寶鑑(雜病篇) 許浚
  14. 生津養血湯이 streptozotocin糖尿, 酵素活性 및 組織變化에 미치는 影響 金信錫
  15. 加味四物湯이 糖尿에 미치는 影響에 關한 實驗的 硏究 張世煥
  16. 本草備要解釋 楊東喜
  17. 新藥品植物學 藥品植物學硏究會
  18. 本草學 全國韓醫科大學 本草學敎授
  19. 中藥學 顔正華
  20. 中國藥典 中藥彩色圖集 中華人民共和國衛生部藥典委員會
  21. 新編 中藥大辭典 v.2 新文豊出版公司
  22. 韓藥資源植物學 張相文;崔炡;金種元;朴炳允;朴宣東
  23. 中草藥學 上海中醫學院
  24. 中國本草圖錄 v.4 蕭培根
  25. 生理學 韓大錫
  26. 鍼灸學(上) v.1 全國韓醫科大學 鍼灸ㆍ經穴學敎室
  27. 수穴硏究鍼灸學 朴喜守
  28. 隱白會 講義錄 朴喜守
  29. 鍼灸內科學 世明大學校第2期卒業準備委員會
  30. 苦蔘이 糖尿에 미치는 影響에 관한 實驗的 硏究 金鎭喆
  31. Streptozotocin 유도 당뇨동물 모델에서 상엽추출물의 항당뇨효과 및 기전 연구 李光海
  32. 두릅나무가 Streptozotocin으로 誘發된 흰쥐의 糖尿病에 미치는 影響 權哲漢
  33. 生津甘露湯과 生津甘露湯加天花粉이 膏血糖 白鼠에 미치는 影響 白政翰
  34. 合治湯이 白鼠 糖尿病에 미치는 影響 金相贊
  35. 흰쥐의 Alloxan糖尿에 白虎湯 및 人蔘白虎湯이 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究 黃承贊
  36. 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.7 加味六味地黃湯이 streptozotocin 白鼠의 血糖量에 미치는 影響 許種會
  37. 加味地黃湯과 鴨척草가 實驗的 糖尿에 미치는 影響 鄭大奎
  38. 東西醫學 v.11 no.2 消渴에 應用되는 黃기湯加味方이 KK mouse의 代謝機能에 미치는 影響 李雄楨
  39. 東醫病理學會誌 v.5 玉泉散이 Alloxan投與 白鼠 血淸의 代謝機能에 미치는 影響 吳政錫
  40. 淸心連子飮이 streptozotocin으로 誘發한 白鼠의 膏血糖에 미치는 影響 金秀雄
  41. 加味 竹瀝湯이 高血壓 및 血糖에 미치는 影響 李京燮
  42. 당뇨병학 대한당뇨병학회
  43. 靈樞經校釋 河北醫學院
  44. Streptozotochin 유발 당뇨쥐에서의 항혈전에 미치는 녹차 Catechin의 영향 및 그 작용 기전 楊貞娥
  45. Streptozotocin 유발 당뇨쥐의 신기능장애에 미치는 Vitamin E의 영향 및 그 작용기전 郭五季
  46. 麥門冬丸이 Streptozotocin 誘發 實驗的 白鼠 糖尿病에 미치는 影響 田炳旭
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