Natural Product Sciences
- 제6권1호
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- Pages.5-10
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- 2000
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- 1226-3907(pISSN)
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- 2288-9027(eISSN)
Screening for the Hormonal Properties of the Chloroform Extract of Carica papaya Linn. Seeds for Antifertility Investigation
- Mishra, P.K. (Reproductive Physiology Section, Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan) ;
- Pathak, N. (Reproductive Physiology Section, Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan) ;
- Manivannan, B. (Reproductive Physiology Section, Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan) ;
- Lohiya, N.K. (Reproductive Physiology Section, Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan)
- 발행 : 2000.03.01
The chloroform extract of the seeds of Carica papaya has been screened for the hormonal properties using ovariectomized female rats for estrogenicity, estrogen primed immature rats for progestogenicity and castrated adult male rats for androgenicity. The results revealed that the extract lacks progestogenicity and androgenicity as evident from the failure of the extract treated animals to mimic progestogen and androgen related changes in the target tissues. The increased weight of vagina and uterus, open status of vagina, cornified and epithelial cells in the vaginal smears and hypertrophy in the uterine epithelium, endometrium and stroma with increased glycogen and sialic acid content in the uterus of the chloroform extract treated animals, which are comparable to those of the ovariectomized estrogen treated animals, suggest that the chloroform extract possesses mild estrogenic activity.