金元四大家의 外科疾患에 對한 硏究;(癰疽瘍瘡을 中心으로)

A Literature Study on Surgical Disease of the Four Famous Physicians in JinYuan Period

  • 김희택 (대전대학교 한의과대학 외관과학교실) ;
  • 노석선 (대전대학교 한의과대학 외관과학교실)
  • 발행 : 19990200


The result were as follows: 1. Yu Wan So(劉完素) regarded the cause of surgical disease as the heat(熱). He used the three method to drain(疏通), promoting pus drainage(托裏) and the balance between ying-energy(營氣) and wei-energy(衛氣). 2. Jang Jong Jeung(張從正) only refered to medicines without entire theory. 3. Lee Dong Won(李東垣) regarded the cause of surgical disease as the greasy diet(膏梁厚味), damp air(濕氣), wetness heat(濕熱). For each treatment he used the method of Yu Wan So's treatment and emphasized the balance between ying-energy(營氣) and wei-energy(衛氣), stomach energy(胃氣). 4. Ju Jin Heung(朱震亨) distinguished the cause of surgical disease from enternal(內), external(外) and channel(經). For each treatment he used the method to drain(疏通), promoting pus drainage(托裏) and the balance between ying-energy(營氣) and wei-energy(衛氣). The first stage used the clearing away heat and toxic materials(淸熱解毒) and the last stage used the invigoration and dispersion(補托). 5. Yu Wan So(劉完素) used to be very busy of Moschus(麝香), Alumen(白礬), Olibanum(乳香), Coptidis Rhizoma(黃連), Minium(黃丹) and Scutel1ariae Radix(黃芩) In classification of the medical action, great part of the medicine are activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis(活血祛瘀), clearing away heat and toxic materials( 淸熱解毒) and external application(外用). 6. Jang Jong Jeung(張從正) used to be very busy of Olibanum(乳香), Angelicae Gigantis Radix(當歸), Minium(黃丹), Myrrha(沒藥), Calomelas(輕粉), Rhei Radix Et Rhizoma(大黃) and Phellodendri Cortex(黃柏). In classification of the medical action, great part of the medicine arc activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis(活血祛瘀), clearing away heat and toxic materials(淸熱解毒) and diverged wind-cold evil(發散風寒). 7. Lee Dong Won(李東垣) used to be very busy of Forsythiae Fructus(連翹), Scuteliariae Radix(黃芩), Angelicae Gigantis Radix(當歸). Astragali Radix(황기), Glycyrrhizae Radix(炙甘草), Bupleuri Radix(紫胡), Phellodendri Cortcx(黃柏), and Coptidis Rhizoma(黃連). In classification of the medical action, great part of the medicine are activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis(活血祛瘀), regulating vital energy(理氣) and clearing away heat and toxic materials(淸熱解毒). 8. Ju Jin Heung(朱震亨) used to be very busy of Glycyrrhizae Radix(甘草), Astragali Radix(황기), Angelicae Gigantis Radix(當歸), Phellodendri Cortex(黃柏), Scutellariae Radix(黃芩), Ginseng Radix(人蔘), Qlibanum(乳香). In classification of the medical action, great part of the medicine are clearing away heat and toxic materiaIs(淸熱解毒), activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis(活血祛瘀) and diverged wind-cold evil(發散風寒).
