Supported by : 용인정신의학연구소
Objectives : There have been several evidences that the central nervous system defect is one of the etiologic factors in schizophrenia and high nailfold plexus visibility can reflect these defects indirectly. These are particularly related to the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. In this study, we examined the relationship between nailfold plexus visibility and various clinical variables in schizophrenia. Methods : Forty patients(20 males, 20 females) satisfying the DSM-lV criteria for schizophrenia and forty normal controls(20 males, 20 females) were measured for Plexus Visualization Score (PVS) by using capillary microscopic examination. We used Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale(PANSS), Ulmann-Giovannoni Process-Reactive Questi-onnaire(PRQ), Phillips Premorbid Adjustment Scale(PAS), Continuous Performance Test, and Backward Masking for psychopathology and clinical variables. Results : There was no significant relationship between schizophrenic subjects and normal controls in PVS. PVS was correlated with PANSS positively except negative symptom subscore. PVS was correlated with PRQ score negatively, and with PAS score positively. Conclusions : This study shows high PVS are associated with more severe psychotic symptoms and with clinical variables, such as disease process and premorbid adjustment, in some schizophrenics.
본 연구에서 저자들은 성인 정신분열병환자에서 손톱주름 총 시도와 정신분열병의 발생연령, 정신 병리, 진행성, 병전 기능, 인지기능과의 관련성을 알아보고자 DSM-IV의 진단기준에 맞는 정신분열병 환자 40명과 대조군 40명을 선택하여 연구한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 보여주었다. 첫째, 정신분열병 대상군(
Supported by : 용인정신의학연구소