Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing (기본간호학회지)
- Volume 6 Issue 1
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- Pages.7-17
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- 1999
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- 1225-9012(pISSN)
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- 2287-1802(eISSN)
Learning Effectiveness according to the Practical Teaching Method, Self-Confidence and Degree of Knowledge Achievement or Aseptic Technique by Nursing Students
간호학생의 무균술에 대한 지식정도 및 자신감과 실습교육 방법에 따른 학습효과
- Kim Sun-Ock (Nursing Department, Sun Chon Chong Am Junior College) ;
- Cho Su-Hyun (Nursing Department, Sun Chon Chong Am Junior College)
- Published : 1999.04.05
This study investigated the degree of knowledge achievement and self-confidence in aseptic technique as a part of the fundamental nursing practice classes. The subjects were 220 nursing students in a junior college in Chonnam and an applied Quasi-experimental research methodology was used thirty of them comprised an experimental group to examine learning according to the teaching method. Wata were collected over 80 days, from April to June 1988, analyzed using descriptive statistics, percentages, means, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression with the SAS program. The conclusions are as follows. 1. The mean score of the degree of knowledge achievement of aseptic technique of the 220 students was 0.68(possible score 1.0) before the lecture but was 0.88 after lecture(p=.000). 2. The mean score for aseptic technique of the 220 students was 3.41(possible score 5.0) before practice but was 4.27 after practice(p=.000). 3. The correlation of self-confidence before and after practice was relatively low(r=.25, p=.000). 4. The mean score of the degree of knowledge achievement of aseptic technique in the experimental group(selected 30 students) was 0.72 before the lecture but was 0.90 after the lecture. 5. The mean score of self-confidence on aseptic technique in the experimental group(selected 30 students) was 3.18 before practice but was 4.32 after practice(p=.000). 6. The mean score of learning according to the type of teaching to aseptic technique for the experimental group(selected 30 students) was 23.2(possibel score 34) after lecture and presentation, was 27.3 after learning through video tape, was 31.7 after presentation through practice, was 33.7 after first practical training, and was 34 after secondary practical training. As a result of this study, learning methods in the education of fundamental nursing skill effective for knowledge achievement and competence in practicing skill.