A study of Paul Klee's by of Bernard Cocula

꼬뀔라의 의미분석망에 의한 폴 클레의 "매직 스퀘어" 연구

  • Published : 1999.12.01


This treatise begins with finding a meaning of Paul Klee's . It is pretty simpleto choose the square of Klee. The most important formative language for twenty century is abstraction. The element of speaking for abstraction issquare. The artists are trying to contain the nature and universe in the square. The role of magic square consisting with small squares of Klee is crystallized. The other side, the test of this study is a method analysis. The method analysis is changing while concept and style have been changing according to a period. The existing method analysis is an iconology used many times in Art history. This treatise introduces France symbolists, Bernard Cocula and Claude Peyroutet's analysis of a meaning of image(Semantique do l'image) who were applied to Modern Art. based on Iconography. It also applies to analysis of artwork of Klee. Cocula's is developed from one phase to five phase step by step. The first phase deals with an appearance of artwork. Subsequently, the second phase is directly adjacent to personal feeling and impression. This is an adequate method for image study in the analysis of modern arts. This phase makes it a rule to enjoy talking with artworks above all. The third phase begins with this question 'What do you see? (que voyons-nous?).' The applies exhaustively and strictly to complicated image artworks which need an elaborate analysis. It is very hard but audiences must try to maintain neutrality in front of artwork because cord formation and interpretation should be formed objectively. The meaning analysis and interpretation of the forth phase begins with this question 'what is the image rouse'(qu'evoque cote image?).' This phase is the most important in a process of symbolic analysis. The audience investigates personal elements and common elements. The fifth is synthetic analysis and interpretation phase. The synthesis is last phase and it reaches a valuation and a conclusion. Namely, the synthesis phase makes up synthesis conclusion, summarizes image character, and completes value adjudication. Sometimes it completes no conclusions in a silence. This study found a new possible analysis example from Paul Klee's work. The study emphasizes square analysis and interpretation and uses . The analysis of artwork by Cocula's is an example of the most important work of Klee's three artworks. The first analysis of artwork is and the second one is . The third one is . In these analyses, Klee usedmagic square 'to make natural pictorial element and to explain organic living things.'
