Paradigm Shift of Global Market and Pattern of Technology Innovation for Automotive Steel Sheets

자동차용 강판시장의 글로벌 패러다임 변화 및 기술혁신 패턴

  • 정경희 (포스코경영연구소 경영체계연구본부)
  • Published : 1999.12.31


This paper is concerned with the deployment of core technologies for automotive steel sheets, based on the structural change of global market. The main tasks of automotive industry are to ensure the energy consumption, environmental regulations, and driving safety. With social and legal requirements, this study analyzes the market creation processes with technological innovations for hot rolled, cold rolled and galvanized steel sheets during the 20th century. It has been proven that the leading country in the steel industry was also that in the automotive. The purchaser-supplier relations of sheet materials are then patternized in the regional markets of the United States and Japan, who share nearly 50% of market in the world. According to the paradigm shift of globalization, the balance of power in Porter's 5 forces has been moved to the buyers', and both industries pursue Win-Win strategies such as the PNGV(Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles ) and design-in system with the competition.
