대전.청주지역 의류유통산업 종사자들의 관련 교과목 필요도에 대한 인식

Needs for the Educational Subjects of Practitioners in Apparel Distribution Industry in Taejon and Chongju

  • 발행 : 1999.04.30


The purposes of this study were to investigate the needs for the educational subjects of practitioners in apparel distribution industry and to examine the relationship between the needs and their socio-demographic variables. And it was intended to be used as basic data to develop the curriculum for continuing education in university. The subjects were consisted of 473 practitioners in apparel distribution industries in Taejon and Chongju. A questionnaire was used and classified into seven areas--basic area textile science, design, clothing construction, fashion marketing theory, fashion marketing practice and business management. Descriptive analysis, t-test and ANOVA were used for statistical analyses. The results of this study were as follows: First, the educational needs of subjects by practitioners were in the following order: 1)fashion marketing practice, 2)design, 3)fashion marketing theory, 4)business management, 5)clothing construction, 6)textile science, 7)basic area. Second, the educational needs of subjects by practitioners were also related to their socio-demographic variables like educational background, work area, type of market, total work experience, years in present job, and the role. It was implied that subject areas like fashion marketing and design with theory and practice we of most importance for practitioners in apparel distribution industry. Therefore, a university curriculum of continuing education for them should take into account of those factors mentioned above.
