Estimation of characteristic parameters of refrigerants by group contribution method

집단 기여법에 의한 냉매의 특성인자 예측

  • 김영일 (한국과학기술연구원 열유동제어연구센터)
  • Published : 1999.01.01


Studies are being done to replace conventional refrigerants with alternatives that have low or no ozone depletion and greenhouse warming Potentials, yet possess appropriate pro perties for a refrigeration cycle. To achieve this goal, a consistent set of thermodynamic properties of the working fluid is required. A common problem with the possible alternative refrigerants is that sufficient experimental data do not exist, thus making it difficult to develp complete equations of state that can predict properties in all regions including the vapor-liquid equilibrium. One solution is the use of the generalized equation of state correlations that can predict thermodynamic properties with a minimum number of characteristic parameters. Characteristic parameters required for the generalized equation of state are, in general, critical temperature, critical pressure, critical volume and normal boiling temperature. In this study, estimation of these characteristic parameters of refrigerants by group contribution method is developed.
