재활간호단위에 적용되는 간호진단의 타당도

The Validity of Nursing Diagnosis in Rehabilitation Nursing

  • 발행 : 1999.06.30


This study was conducted to investigate the nursing diagnosis applying to rehabilitation unit. The subject of this study was consisted of 101 nurses who have been working over 1 year in rehabilitation unit. The clssification of nursing diagnosis used NANDA's system and analysis of the validity was based on Fehring's model. In summury of this study. some dirrerences were found in related factors in nursing diagnosis between rehabilitation and general unit. Major related factors of nursing diagnosis were physical factors associated with neuromuscular disorder. Valid related factors in altered nutrition more than body requirements was not found for rehabilitation unit. It is helpful for the nurses who work at rehabilitation unit to apply the nursing diagnosis validated in this study. This finding can be used as the database for accomplished nursing diagnosis appropriate for improving the rehabilitation nursing practice.
