Supported by : Korea Science and Engineering Foundation(KOSEF)
Lipoxygenase activities of three cultivars of black rice (Chindo, Suwon-415, Yongkeum-1) were determined using an oxygen polargraphic method to measure oxygen uptake. Studies at different pH levels revealed that the optimum pH was about pH 7.0 for Suwon-415 and pH 7.5 for Chindo and Yongkeum-1. The specific activities of Chindo, Suwon-415 and Yongkeum-1 at optimal pH were 41.0, 27.3, and 29.6 unit/mg-protein, respectively. In all the cultivars, there was an increase in the activity with increase in reaction temperature. Enzyme activity was tested at different concentrations of the substrate. The resulting
Supported by : Korea Science and Engineering Foundation(KOSEF)