어휘기능문법(Lexical-Functional Grammar)에 근거한 한-영 양방향 기계 번역기의 언어학적 구성

Linguistic design of a bidirectional Korean-English machine translation system based on Lexical-Functional Grammar

  • 발행 : 1999.06.30


The interests in Machine Translation(MT) have gotten revitalized lately with the rapid expansion of internet users. MT technology has gone through several different stages of development, but the longest surviving methods usually maintains the following characteristics: the expand ability and flexibility based on proved linguistic formalism, the transfer method of translation, the continued efforts of systematic updates being made into the system. This paper introduces one such system, L&H Korean-English bidirectional MT system. This system uses Lexical-Functional Grammar as its linguistic framework. It also adopts the transfer method of MT and has been around on the market for over 10 years for other language pairs. Currently, the system covers over 10 different languages including Chinese, Japanese and Arabic, in addition to European languages. This paper will review the system in its core and discuss related tools and resources be ing used to enhance the quality of translation.
