우리나라의 유해물질 분류체계 및 관리방안

Research on the Classification System of Hazardous Substances in Korea

  • 김광종 (고려의대 예방의학교실 및 환경의학연구소) ;
  • 최재욱 (고려의대 예방의학교실 및 환경의학연구소) ;
  • 김현욱 (가톨릭대학교 산업보건대학원) ;
  • 이은영 (한국산업안전공단 산업보건지원국)
  • Kim, Kwangjong (Department of Preventive Medicine and Institute for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University) ;
  • Choi, Jaewook (Department of Preventive Medicine and Institute for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University) ;
  • Choi, Hyunwook (Graduate School of Occupational Health, Catholic University) ;
  • Lee, Eunyoung (Korea Industrial Safety Corporation)
  • 발행 : 1999.05.14


The objectives of this study were (1) an investigation of the current status of the hazardous substances, (2) a comparative analysis of classification system of hazardous substances between Korea and other countries, (3) a development of the new classification system in Korea, finally a review of prerequisites for effective enforcement of the new system. The results are summarized as follows : 1) The backbone of classification system of hazardous substances in Korea is based on Japanese classification system and EC(European Committee) guideline of hazardous substance. There are many problems in managing and handling of hazardous substances due to discordant of Japanese and EC system. It is desirable to revise the classification system to be harmonized with international guideline for example, guideline of IFCS(The Inter-governmental Forum on Chemical Safety) and EC guideline. 2) There are several problems in definitions of corrosive, sensitizing and irritation in MSDS Code of Ministry of Labour. It is desirable to reform those definitions. 3) Among the hazardous substances under the current system, there are several substances such as, beta-propiolactone, methyl bromide, ethyleneimine, etc that are not used and produced in Korea. It is desirable to exclude the substances from the list of controlled substances. 4) The section 39, about 'substance that designated to attach warning label' in Korea Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSHAct) should be eliminated, because above section is unnecessary under the MSDS system. 5) The researchers recommend to establish a new list of hazardous substance which are controlled by OSHAct. It is desirable that the new list is consist of two types. The first type is 'a list of the specially controlled substances' and the other is 'the generally controlled substances'. 6) It is recommended that the specially controlled substances should include hazardous substances that are highly toxic and widely used in Korea. And the generally controlled substances should include hazardous substances that can be analysed by instrument and carry threshold. limit values(TLV's).
