A Study on Village Names of Youngnam Provinces : the Cases of Changnyeong-Gun, Bonghwa-Gun and Namhae-Gun

영남지방 지명에 관한 연구 -창녕군, 봉화군, 남해군의 경우-

  • Park, Tae-Hwa (Department of Geography Education, Kyungpook National University)
  • Published : 1999.06.30


This is a study on village names in a plain region of Changnyeong-Gun, a mountain region of Bonghwa-Gun and an island region of Namhae-Gun. The three regions differ in geographical features. The data are based on 455 village names in Changnyeong-Gun, 552 village names in Bonghwa-Gun and 275 village names in Namhae-Gun found in the 1 : 50,000 topographic map. The method of this study is to analyze the word structures of village names in the five basic concepts in geography : Man-Land(Natural Environment and Human Activities). Spatial Relation, Distribution, Region and Transition. The main results of this study are as follows: 1. Naming of villages are related to Natural Environment(41%), Human Activities(23%), Region(17%), Spatial Relation(13%), Distribution(5%), and Transition(3%). Of these six factors, Changnyeong-Gun is relatively dominant in village names related to Spatial Relations, Region and Transition ; Bonghwa-Gun Natural Environment and Namhae-Gun Human Activities and Spatial Relations. But the three Guns are absolutely dominant in village names related to Natural Environment and Human Activities. 2. A village name is divided into the specific name part(given name) and the generic name part(classified name). Names related to Human Activities, Spatial Relations, Distribution and Transition are more frequently found in the specific name part. Therefore, they are used as the given name of a village name. Whereas names related to Natural Environment and Region are more frequently found in generic name part, which means that they are used as the classified name of a village. 3. The word structure of a village name usually has two parts a frontal part(given name) and a rear part(classified name). The two parts have a particular pattern in the geographic concept when they are combined. 1) In the village names related to in their frontal part of the word structure, is more frequently combined as their rear part in Bonghwa-Gun, in Namhae-Gun and in Changnyeong-Gun. 2) In the village names related to in their frontal part of the word structure, is more frequently combined as their rear part in Changnyeong-Gun, in Namhae-Gun and in Bonghwa-Gun. Accordingly, Man(Human Activities) - Land (Natural Environment) can be considered the most important concept in the naming of villages, because the concept is most frequently used in the word structures of village names.

본 연구는 영남지방의 지리적 성격이 상이한 창녕군, 봉화군, 남해군의 촌락명을 분석하였다. 지명의 명명은 인간의 환경지각의 결과이고, 또 지명에는 그 당시의 문화가 각인되어 있다고 본다. 그래서 지명이 포함하고 있는 주요 지리적 개념, 지명의 어구조, 개념구성의 결합관계 등을 구명하여 지역차를 고찰한 것이다. 첫째 지리학의 개념별로 보면 산지지역인 봉화군은 자연에서, 평야지역인 창녕군과 도서지역인 남해군은 인문에서 인식한 촌락명이 상대적으로 많아 지역차를 보인다. 둘째 지명 어구조의 전 후어에서 전어는 주로 작명으로 사용된 고유명인데, 촌락의 문화경관, 위치, 변천을 설명하고 있다. 후어는 지명을 분류하는 유형 명으로 촌락의 자연환경, 촌락 공동체 표현을 위하여 사용되었다. 셋째 개념 구성은 봉화군은 자연 그대로, 창녕군은 자연과 인간의 상호작용 과정, 남해군은 상호작용의 결과가 인식, 명명되어 역시 상이한 지역성을 보이고 있다.
