병원 종합 물류시스템 운영에 대한 관련직원들의 인식

A Study of the Employee's Attitude Toward Operation of the Hospital Material Requirements Planning System(HMRPS) in University Hospitals

  • Lee, Kwang-Yong (Dept. of general affairs, Inje University Medical Center) ;
  • Yu, Seung-Hum (Dept. of Preventive Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine) ;
  • Sohn, Tae-Yong (Dept. of Health Service Administration, Yuhan College)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.31


The purpose of this study is to identify influencing factors for successful introduction, implementation and management of HMRPS through assessment of the employees attitude toward HMRPS in technical, administrative, and organization behavioral areas. Data were collected from 157 HMRPS employee members' self-reporting questionnaire in three university hospitals in the city of Seoul and Kyonggi Province from November 5 to November 10, 1997. Relevant literature on industry company MPR system theory was reviewed to develop the theoretical framework. The results were as follows: The employee's recognition of tangible benefit were more significantly influenced success than intangible benefit for successful operation relating the HMRPS. Concerning the employee's recognition of the successful HMRPS and the factor of influenced success was significantly positive correlation between tangible and intangible benefits and success factor in technical, administrative, and organizational behavior area. This study showed that major factor affecting the employee's recognition of tangible and intangible benefit for successful HMRPS. For tangible benefits; Success factors in the technical areas were quality of the data and information, efficiency of inventory management and rescheduling of operation plan. Success factors in the administrative areas were: role of top management. Success factors in the organization behavioral areas were; simplicity of the HMRPS, human resistance to change. For intangible benefits; Success factors in the organization behavioral areas were; user involvement, simplicity of HMRPS, human resistance to change. Futhermore as the exact evaluation of successful factors of HMRPS implement is needed, research for the development of systemic variables of physical distribution system control, methods, capacity of system, duration and other environment in many of 30 hospitals or more, and for the empirical study for HMRPS.
