Asia pacific journal of information systems
- Volume 9 Issue 1
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- Pages.143-163
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- 1999
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- 2288-5404(pISSN)
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- 2288-6818(eISSN)
An Analysis of the Group Decision Making for the Development of a Korean Group Support System: The Field Experiment using Office Workers
우리나라 Group Support System 개발을 위한 집단 의사 결정 특성 분석: 사무실 근로자들을 대상으로 한 실험 연구
This study investigates the effect of group size on group performance, here the quality of group decision, Four effects are proposed and tested in a field experimental setting : (1) the relationship between the group size and the distribution of individual's problem-solving ability ; (2) the change of the group decision quality as group size increases ; (3) the relationship between the group decision quality and the quality of the best/worst member as group size increases ; (4) the relationship between the group decision quality and the average quality of individuals in the group as group size increases. Data showed that contrary to the exiting results, group decision quality was not improved with the group size. Rather, it showed a little tendency that group decision quality was worsened with the group size. Data also showed that consensus-oriented group decision making process produced the compromised output. Thus, group decision quality was not better than the average group members'. The opinion of the best member was not accepted. The implications of the findings are discussed for the development of a Korean GSS.