살충제 Carbofuran과 Phenobarbital Sodium 및 3-Methylcholanthrene이 쥐의 효소활성에 미치는 영향

Effect of Insecticide Carbofuran and Phenobarbital Sodium and 3-Methylcholanthrene on Activity of Enzyme in Rat

  • 임요섭 (순천대학교 농과대학 농화학과) ;
  • 한성수 (원광대학교 생명자원과학대학 농화학과)
  • Rim, Yo-Sup (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Sunchon National University) ;
  • Han, Seong-Soo (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Life Science and Natural Resources, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.30


쥐에 있어서 carbamate계 살충제 carbofuran의 독성에 미치는 phenobarbital sodium(PB) 또는 3-methylcholanthrene(3-MC)의 영향과 작용기작을 효소적 측면에서 구명할 목적으로 이들을 단독 또는 조합으로 경구투여 하여 in vivo 효소활성을 조사하였다. Acetylcholinesterase(AChE)와 butyrylcholinesterase(BuCheE)의 효소활성은 carbofuran 3.8 mg/kg을 투여하였을 때 48시간까지 $20{\sim}70%$ 범위의 저해를 보였고, carbofuran과 PB 또는 3-MC를 조합투여하였을 때 효소활성은 초기에 감소하다가 24시간 후에는 대조구와 비슷한 수준을 나타냈다. Glutathione S-transferase(GST)의 경우 carbofuran만을 투여하였을 때 초기($0.5{\sim}6$ hr)에 $15{\sim}35%$의 저해를 보였으나, carbofuran과 PB 또는 3-MC의 조합투여시 초기에는 약간 저해를 보이다가 3시간 후에는 대조군과 유사한 효소활성을 보였고, 6시간 후에는 대조군에 비해 활성이 20%이상 증가하였다. UDP-glucuronosyltransferase(UDPGI) 및 cytochrome P-450 효소계의 효소활성은 carbofuran과 PB 또는 3-MC를 조합 투여하였을 때 투여 후 6시간까지는 carbofuran만의 투여에 비해 효소활성이 $2.6{\sim}2.8$배 이상 높았다. 이상의 결과에서 PB 및 3-MC의 투여가 이들 효소활성을 유도하므로써 carbofuran의 독성으로부터 쥐를 보호한 것으로 판단된다.

Effect of insecticide carbofuran and phenobarbital sodium(PB) or 3-methylcholanthrene(3-MC), they were orally administered by the chemicals, alone or in combination, on activities of several enzymes in rats were investigated. In in vivo test for the effect of this chemicals on activity of enzyme in rat, activities of acetylcholinesterase(AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase(BuCheE) were inhibited by $20{\sim}70%$ for 48 hrs after the oral administration of carbofuran alone of 3.8mg/kg, whereas those were lowered at the beginning, but recovered to the control level after 24 hrs, in case of the mixed administration of carbofuran+PB or carbofuran+3-MC. The activity of glutathione S-transferase(GST) was inhibited by more than 15 to 35% for an early period of 0.5 to 6 hrs, in the case of the administration of carbofuran alone, whereas that was slightly inhibited at the beginning, recovered almost to the control level after 3 hrs, and raised by mere than 20% above the control after 6 hrs, in case of the mixed administration of carbofuran+PB or carbofuran+3-MC. When carbofuran was administered alorig with PB or 3-MC, the activities of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase(UDPGT) and cytochrome P-450 were more than 2.6 to 2.8 times higher than that in the case of the administration of carbofuran alone for 6 hrs. These results suggest that a simultaneous application of carbofuran and PB or 3-MC is critical for the enhancentment of activity of GST, UDPGT and cytochrome P450 and the protection of rat from carbofuran toxicity.
