Dynamic Behavior of Photoinduced Birefringence of Copolymers Containing Aminonitro Azobenzene Chromophore in the Side Chain

  • Published : 1999.10.20


Photoresponsive side chain polymers containing aminonitro azobenzene were synthesized for studying optically induced birefringence. Four different copolymers were prepared using methacrylate, a-methylstyrene, and itaconate monomer. Two copolymers are totally amorphous and the other two are liquid crystalline in nature. Trans-to-cis photoisomerization was observed under the exposure of UV light with UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy. Reorientation of polar azobenzene molecules induced optical anisotropy under a linearly polarized light at 532 nm. The dynamic parameters of optically induced birefringence let us compare the effect of polymeric structure on the rate of growth and decay of the birefringence. Besides the effect of glass transition temperature on the dynamics of photoinduced birefringence, we focused our interests on the geometrical hindrance of polar azobenzene molecules and cooperative motion of environmental mesogenic molecules in the vicinity of polar azobenzene moiety.



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