Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics (대한후두음성언어의학회지)
- Volume 10 Issue 1
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- Pages.43-49
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- 1999
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- 2508-268X(pISSN)
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- 2508-5603(eISSN)
Problems of Strobovideolarygoscopic Findings and Usual Voice Management of Vocal Major Students, and Acoustic Characteristics of Singing Voice
성악도들의 음성관리 및 성대화상술상의 문제점과 발성에 대한 음향분석학적 특징
Objectives : The purpose of this study was to systematically analyze and compare e acoustic sound structure of vocal major student's singing voice. Materials and Methods : The nineteen vocal major students were the subject group and healthy nineteen females were the control group for this study. The subject group was taken a strobovideolaryngoscopy by the use of flexible nasopharyngoscopy. And acoustic analysis was taken between two groups. Additionally the inquiry on usual voice problems and management was performed by thirty-six vocal major students. Results : The subject group presents many functional voice disorder findings such as AP contraction(44%), phase difference(36%) tremor(25%), posterior gap(17%), hyperadduction of vestibular fold(6%), and anterior gap(3%) on strobovideolaryngoscopy. And the vocal major students did reveal an enhanced number of high frequency harmonic partials when singing compared to the control group in the narrow band spectrum study. But there was no significant difference in jitter, shimmer and noise to harmonic ratio in both groups. Almost all vocal major students present a lot of voice problems in singing such as loss of high note(17%), loss of quiet voice(17%), effortful and tired voice(36%) etc on inquiry. And they always effort to prevent vocal dysfunction by the use of various type of method such as voice rest(28%), hydration(28%), gargling with salt(11%) etc. Conclusions : The vocal major students always take care of maintaining a good voice condition, but a lot of vocal major students revealed abnormal strobovideolaryngoscopic findings and they are absent in the conception of systemic and scientific voice management. Therefore, the young singers need a good voice training and voice therapy Program under the good ralationship of laryngologist and voice training teacher.
- Vocal major students;
- Voice management;
- Strobovideolaryngoscopy;
- Singer's formant;
- Harmonic partials