Landscape Ecological Studies on Structure and Dynamics of Plant Populations on Vegetation-Landscape Patterns in Rural Regions: I. The Effect of Patch Shape on the Initial Population Structure of Pine and Oaks

  • Rim, Young-Deuk (Department of Science Education. Inchon National University of Education.) ;
  • Hong, Sun-Kee (Center for Educational Research. Seoul National University)
  • Published : 1999.04.01


Secondary vegetation. the holistically integrated system of nature and human being, is the complicated ecosystem that is composed of natural and man-created factors. Understanding the ecological function of secondary vegetation supplies us many important informations for sustainable landscape management and ecological restoration planning. In this research, we tried to examine the shape effect of vegetation patch on early structure of populations of pine and oaks. Moreover. we also tried to clarify the ecological functions of patch edge by exploring the patch effect on germination using patch index. In addition, we present the landscape structure of man -made vegetation of our study area, and setting experimental design of research. Vegetation landscape of study area is typical human disturbed landscape mainly composed of disturbance patches. Vegetation types of graveyard and managed pine forest were controlled by periodically repeated management. However, current seedlings of pine occurred well at both vegetation types. Presence of both saplings were more controlled in managed pine forest (PDM) and graveyard (G) than those of undergrowth (PD) and forest edge (FE) with canopy trees. The number of pine seedlings increased with patch size and patch perimeter. That of oak seedlings was, however, not significantly different. Larger graveyards provided higher light availability for germination of pine seedlings. We think, however, most seedlings of both species in the large sized graveyards without shade will die more easily than that of small sized ones before rainy summer. Relationships between patch shape and germination of two woody species cannot be exactly explained enough yet in these results. More informations on spatial interaction of the total species with differently sized patches are necessary to solve the concept of patch effect on species colonization.
