- PORIM and the Malaysian Plam Oil Industry Anon
- Yearbook of Statistic Malaysia Anon
- Biores. Technol v.39 Influence of β-glucosidase on the filter paper activity and hydrolysis of lignocellylosic substrates Breuil, C.;M. chan;M. Gilbertand;J. N. Saddler
- Biores. Technol v.39 Characterisation of cellulolytic activities incommercial Trichoderma reesei preparations: An approach using small, chromogenic substrates Claeyssens, M.;G. Aerts
- Enzyme Microb. Technol v.12 Optimization of temperature and enzyme concentration in the enzymatic saccharification of steam pretreated willow Eklund, R.;M. Galbe;G. Zacchi
- Biotechnol. Bioeng v.22 Conversion of cellulose to glucose with cellulase of Trichoderma viride ITCC-1433 Herr, D.
- Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol v.32 Assessment of methods to determine minimal cellylase concentrations for dfficient hydrolysis of cellulose Higan, C. M.;M. Mes-Hartree;J. N. Saddler;D. J. Kushner
- Biotechnol. Bioeng v.20 Enzyme deactivation during cellulose hydrolysis Howell, J. A.;M. Mangat
- Agric. Biol. Chem v.54 Chemical composition of palm fiber and its feasibility as cellulosic raw material for sugar production Koba,Y.;A. Ishizaki
- Biotechnol. Bioengin v.25 Kinetic studies of enzymatic hydrolysis of insoluble cellulose: Analysis of extended hydrolysis time Lee, Y. H.;L. T. Fan
- Biotechnol. Bioeng v.26 Streptomyces flavogriseus cellulase: Evaluation under various hydrolysis conditions Mackenzie, C. R.;D. Bilous;K. G. Johnson
- Biochem. Sco. Trans v.13 Applications of cellulase Mandels, M.
- J. Ferment. Technol v.54 Recent advances in cellulase technology Mandels, M.;D. Sternberg
- Biotechnol. Bioeng. Symp v.6 Measurement of saccharifying cellulose Mandels, M.;R. Andreotti;C. Roche
- J. Bacteriol v.73 Induction of cellulase in Trichoderma viride as influenced by carbon and metals Mandels, M.;E. T. Reese
- Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci v.434 A model for hydrolysis of microcrystallinc cellulose Matsuno, R.;M. Tanaguchi;T. Kamikubo
- Can. J. Microbiol v.25 Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulase materials by Sclerotium rolfsii culture filtrate for sugar production Shewale, A. P. J. C. Sadana
- J. Biol. Chem v.145 Notes on sugar determination Somogyi, M.
- J. Appl. Polym. Sci. v.66 Oil paln fibers: Morphology, chemical composition, surface modification and mechanical properties Sreekala, M. S.;M. G. Kumaran;S. Thomas
- Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol v.23 Elucidation of adsorption processes of cellulases during hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose Tanaka, M.;H. Nakamura;M. Taniguchi;Y. Morita;R. Matsuno;R. Kamikubo
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol v.44 Purification and properties of β-glucosidase from Aspergillus terreus Workman, W. E.;D. F. Day
- Ph.D. thesis. Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Characterization and production of cellulolytic enzymes of Aspergillus terreus IMI 282743 Zainal, A.