Molecular Cloning and Expression of Genes Related to Antifungal Activities from Enterobacter sp. B54 Antagonistic to Phytophthora capsici

  • YOON, SANG-HONG (Department of Molecular Genetics, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Rural Development Administration)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


Enterobacter sp. B54 inhibited growth of the fungus Phytophthora capsici on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Three mutants with antifungal activities (denoted M54-47, M54-113, and M54-329) which were lost or increased, through Pl::Tn5 lac mutagenesis, were used to isolate genes responsible for fungal inhibition on PDA. Two clones were selected from the partially EcoR1-digested genomic library of the wild-type strain by probing with genomic flanking sequences of each mutant. We have isolated a 20-kb EcoR1 genomic DNA fragment from this strain that contains genes involved in hyphal growth inhibition of P. capsici on PDA. Subcloning and expression analysis of the above DNA fragment identified a 8-kb region which was necessary for antifungal activities. A 8-kb HindⅢDNA fragment covers three genomic loci inserted by Tn5 lac in each mutant. This suggested that all genes which are related to antifungal activities might be clustered in simple forms of at least 5-8 kb sizes.



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