기술과에서의 환경교육 체계화 방안

A Plan for the Systematization of Environmental Education in Technical Education

  • 발행 : 1999.07.01


In this paper an attempt was made to establish a direction in systematizing the technical education with regard to the relation to environmental education. This study was made mainly through literature review concerning the relationship between technology and environment, and thus this study has a purpose of connecting the contents of technical education with environmental education. It will provide referential data for environmental education. The main text of this study dealt with which goal to establish in the technical education from the viewpoint of academical position considering the relationship between technical education and environmental education. Also, it dealt with the organization of contents of environmental education according to the 7th curriculum and, as a result, it reached the following conclusions: In the first place, technology and environmental education which have close relationship with each other should be considered in the developmental aspect. In the second place, technology, in any directions, affects natural environment. In the third place, environmental education should be done by the integrated approach and one of the alternatives can be through SET education including society and culture, environment, and technology all together. In the fouth place, the environmental education should be environmentally sound and developed sustainably so that the technology can be developed along with environment. One example can be found in the ecological architecture. In the fifth place, the environmental education which is a souce of technical education has its necessity in 8 aspects. In the sixth place, according to the 7th curriculum, the following can be the teaching contents which will connect technical education and environmental education: gardening, vegetable raising, planting and trimming, the future techniques, energy and transportation techniques, and so on. In the seventh place, the technical education can have seven goals concerning environment. In the eighth place, the environmental education in the technical education should be considered in the aspect of contents, of teaching and learning, of evaluation, and of the relations with subjects. In the ninth place, should be included as teaching materials of the units of technology textbooks where environment education will be dealt with.
