A Study on the Environmental Philosophy and the Ecological Planning for Housing Developments

환경철학의 이해와 생태적 주거의 계획기법에 관한 연구

  • 현택수 (경일대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 1999.11.01


As we have come to realize the problems caused by the modern civilization as well as the importance of the preservation of nature. Ecological building and urban design come to attract more attention. Therefore, the object of this study is providing the design factors and improving the design methods for the developments of ecological housing complex, harmonious with environment. Followings are the results of this study: 1. We need to turn to new trend-Ecological architecture which enables the co-exitence of nature and human being to come over the presence and face new decades. 2. Ecological architecture is based on energy-saving system and give people a healty and comfortable atmosphere. 3. In the city area, the house development should be undertaken to minimize the environmental problem through extremely high ehhiciency and technonogy. 4. We need a new development to preserve natural environment in the suburvan and small or medium city. 5. We have to develope the approach method, which is to maintain the frame of present ecological environment, to be in sympathy with geomorphology, to use the natural material in the rural community.



  1. 환경보전형 주택 시스템 개발 건교부
  2. 지속가능한 정주지개발을 위한 정책 및 제도연구(1) 건교부
  3. 생태건축 추구 고주석
  4. 대한건축학회논문집 환경친화 계획요소의 중요도를 고려한 아파트 단지 설계과정 결정 김홍규(외)
  5. 현대철학의 전개 김영필
  6. 환경친화적 단지계획 기법 대한주택공사
  7. 청주대석사논문 환경친화형 주거단지의 계획요소에 관한 연구 민양관
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  9. 자연·인간·언어 박이문
  10. 환경논총 v.33 지속가능한 설계 양병이
  11. 주택 환경친화형 주거단지의 개발 및 계획의 기본방향 이규인
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  14. 환경친화적 단지계획기법 한국토지개발공사
  15. 環境共生住宅計劃 建築論(環境共生住宅團地の計劃から建築まで) 日本地球環境住まい硏究會
  16. Ecologic Architecture Richard, I. crowther
  17. The Ecology of Architecture Laurac. Zeiber
  18. Das Prinzip Leben Hans
  19. Essay on Dialectical Naturalism The Philosophy of Social Essays Murray Bookchin