고대 이집트 산술의 수학교육적 의의

  • 정동권 (인천교육대학교 수학교육과)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


This study aims to find the significance of the ancient Egyptian arithmetic in mathematics education and to analyze the educational value by practical teaching of the Egyptian multiplication. In this study, we confirmed that application of historical materials in mathematics instruction enable students to awaken their interest, to offer the opportunities of exploration, and furthermore to develop their mathematical thinking ability.



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  4. 인천교육대학교 과학교육논총 v.10 수학수업 개선을 위한 수학사의 활용 정동권
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  13. Multicultural Mathematics Posers and Activities NCTM
  14. The World of Mathematics v.I Newman, James R.
  15. Connecting Mathematics across the Curriculum, NCTM 1995 Yearbook Connecting Mathematics with Its History: A Powerful, Practical Linkage Reimer, W.;Reimer, L.
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  19. 算數·數學授業を藥しくする數學事の話 上垣 涉
  20. 算數授業に役立つ數學の話 片野善一郞
  21. 수と도형の발명발견물오 板倉聖宣