일본 소학교 산수과 신 학습지도 요령 분석

  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


This study is an analysis on the Arithmetic education curriculum of elementary school in Japan that will become effective from April 1, 2002. In new curriculum, loaming are highly reduced and mediated. This curriculum is characterized by the slow and interesting Arithmetic education focusing on creativity, student-based Arithmetic education, and real life-related Arithmetic education.



  1. 新小學校 學習能導要領改訂事項の解說, 新しじ 中野重人
  2. 數學改訂事項の解說, 新しぃ 小島宏
  3. 日本數學敎育學會誌 v.80 no.12 21世紀型の數學敎育の方向と 硏究課題 中原忠男