효소처리에 의한 백설기의 저장성을 연장하기 위한 방법의 개발

Development of the method to extend shelf life of Backsulgie with enzyme treatment

  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


떡의 노화를 지연하여 상품성을 개량할 수 있는 방법을 개발하고자, $\alpha$-amylase를 첨가하여 백설기를 제조하였다. $\alpha$-amylase는 전분을 가수 분해하여 환원당의 함량을 증가시킴으로써 떡의 수분활성도를 낮추고, 백색도를 감소시키며 이러한 결과 전분의 노화가 지연되는 것을 X-ray 회절 양상의 변화를 통하여 확인하였다. 또한 떡의 관능검사 결과 $\alpha$-amylase를 첨가한 떡은 상온과 냉동 저장 모든 경우에서 더욱 촉촉하고 부드러운 조직감을 나타내어 전분의 노화가 억제됨을 관찰할 수 있었다. 그러나 떡의 수분 함량은 효소를 첨가한 것과 하지 않은 것간에 유의적인 차이를 나타내지 않았으므로 이러한 촉촉한 느낌은 자유수 형태의 수분 함량보다는 환원당의 함량이 증가되어 나타나는 현상임을 확인 할 수 있었다.

${\alpha}$-amylase was investigated as an antistaling agent for Backsulgie, a traditional rice cake. Rice powder was mixed with ${\alpha}$-amylase, fermented for 2 hr at 37$^{\circ}C$, and steamed for 20 min. Rice cake was stored at room temperature or freezer for 4 days, and analyzed to determined the changes of chemical and sensory properties. When ${\alpha}$-amylase was added to rice cake, the content of reducing sugars and the yellow color of the cake were increased, and the water activity was decreased. Soft and moist textural properties were apparent in ${\alpha}$-amylase-added rice cakes by sensory evaluation. X-ray diffraction showed a V pattern after 4 days of storage which indicated the starch of rice cake was not retrograded. However, there was no significant difference in moisture content between enzyme-treated and non-treated rice cakes. Above results suggest that ${\alpha}$-amylase treatment produced dextrins which consequently bound with water and inhibited the retrogradation of rice cake.
