- Vet Clin North Am v.4 Nonneurogenic disorders of the anus and rectum Amand,W.B.
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.199 Applications of a semitendinosus muscle flap in two dogs Chambers,J.N.(et al.)
- Vet Clin North Am v.2 Surgery of the rectum and anus Greiner,T.P.
- In Pract v.7 Anal and perianal surgery in dogs and cats Holt,P.
- Vet Med Small Anim Clin v.71 Atresia ani in a dog McAfee,L.T.
- Rectoanal disease In: Disease Mechanisms in Small Animall Surgery Niebauer,G.W.
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.159 Rectovaginal fistula and imperforate anus in a dog Rawlings,C.A.;Capps,W.F.
- Anorectal disease In: Saunders Mannual of Small Animal Practice Sherding,R.J.