포메라니안견에서 발생한 횡격막허니아의 임상학적, 방사선학적, 초음파학적 및 수술적 소견

Clinical, Radiographic, Echocardiographic, Intraoperative Findings of Diaphragmatic Hernia in a Pomeranian Dog

  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


A 8 years old male Pomeranian weighing 4 kg was referred because of coughing of 4 months' duration. Heart sounds and cardiac apex beat were showed more intense on the right side. On radiographic views, loss of normal line of the diaphragm, gas-containing intestines and stomach in thoracic cavity, and right displacement of heart were observed. Ultrasonography revealed that liver located adjacent to the heart. Although the dog died due to severe respiratory disorder in surgical procedure, in thoracic and abdominal surgery, a large defect was found in the left and right ventral muscular portion and left central tendon of the diaphragm, extending from the esophageal hiatus to rib. Left and right cranial lobe of liver, small intestines, stomach and spleen were herniated in the thoracic cavity. Because of the size and chronicity of the defect in the diaphragm, closure was impossible with an abdominal muscle graft.



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