An animal health monitoring system in Gyeongnam area (near-Chinju) was studied to evaluate the environmental risk factors, physical examinations and 4 disease entities(abomasal displacement, traumatic reticulopericarditis & -peritonitis, milk fever and lameness) in 40(34 in second year)dairy herds (total 1253 dairy cattle). In feeding environments, we examined housing system, forage percentage in ration, stall types, playground, cleanness of stall. In housing system, most of herds (60%) have tie-stall types and 36 herds are open-type housing. The forage ratio of ration was less than 50% in most of herds (67%). 39 herds had their own playgrounds and the frequency of playground cleanness was irregular, Physical examinations included the T(temperature), P (pulse), R (respiration), abnormalities of superficial lymph nodes, claw examination and total CBC with blood from tail veins. T, P, R are within normal limits (T : 38.1$\pm$0.6$^{\circ}C$, P : 84.6$\pm$12.9/min., R : 24.0$\pm$7.6/min. ,respectively), the swelling of lymph nodes were shown in 13 cattle and overall claw trimming was required in 3 herds. In blood examination, 23 cattle showed leuko-cytosis and 7 cattle showed low RBC and hemoglobin level, the other cattle were within normal limits (WBC : 8.90$\pm$2.06 10$^3$/ul., RBC : 6.36$\pm$1.02 10$^{6}$ ul, Hb : 9.83$\pm$ 1.20 g/dl PCV : 27.43$\pm$5.67 %, respectively). In 4 disease entities, we found some metallic foreign bodies in men of 13 cattle, which had predisposing factors of traumatic reticulopericarditis and reticuloperitonitis, 13 abomasal displacement, 51 milk fever and lameness in 39 cattle.