Studies on Feline Electroacupuncture Anesthesia

고양이의 전침마취에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1999.12.01


To establish feline electroacupuncture anesthesia, 5 cats (mixed, 1 month old, 0.4~0.5 kg, female) were examined in the present study. The acupoints used for feline electroacupuncture anesthesia were Tian-ping and Bai-hui. After perpendicular insertion of needle to Tian-ping and Bai-hui, respectively, positive electrode was connected at Tian-ping and negative electrode was connected at Bai-hui, respectively, Electric condition was 3 V and 30 Hz. To examine the effect of electroacupuncture anesthesia, laparotomy (5 heads)was applied. The pain of the body surface and the extremities excluding the tail was not found, and the induction time of electroacupuncture anesthesia was approximately 1 minute. As for the reactions with electroacupuncture anesthesia, the head part was directed to backward, blepharoreaction was mild and the consciousness was vivid. The class of anesthesia effect was excellent in 4 heads and was poor in 1 head. The pain was not observed and bleeding was comparatively small volume during surgery in excellent group.



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