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- Veterinary Record v.103 Induction of farrowing with cloprostenol on an commercial pig breeding farm in Yugoslavia Cerne,F.
- Agents & Actions v.9 Anti-arthritic effect of bee venom Chang,Y.H.;Bilven,M.L.
- Americal Journal of Acupuncture v.10 Acupuncture treatment of breast fibrocystic disease (abstract) Chen,G.S.
- Am J Physiol v.217 Chromatographic fractions of bee venom; cytotoxicity for mouse bone marrow stem cells Cole,L.J.;Shipman,W.H.
- Acupuncture for gastrointestinal disorders. In: Problems in veterinary medicine, Veterinary acupuncture Dill,S.G.
- Nordisk Veterinaemedicin v.29 Prostaglandin-induced parturition in swine-a field study on its accuracy after treatment with different amounts of PGF Ehnvall,R.;Einarsson,S.;Larsson,K.;Westerberg,L.
- Biochemical Pharmacology v.31 Effect of honeybee (Apis mellifera) venom on the course of adjuvant-induced arthritis and depression of drug metabolism in the rat Eiseman,J.L.;von Bredow,J.;Alvares,A.P.
- American Journal of Acupuncture v.10 Acupuncture treatment of hypogalactia (abstract) Fava,A.;Bongliovanni,A.;Frassodati,P.
- American Journal of Acupuncture v.17 Acupuncture treatment of hypogalactia : A xeven-year experience (abstract) Fava,A.;Bonazzi del Poggetto,C.
- Research & Development Technical Report Antibacterial action of a bee venom fraction (melittin) against a penicillin-resistant staphylococcus and other microorganisms Fennell,J.F.;Shipman,W.H.;Cole,L.J.
- J Tradit Chin Med v.6 Efficacy of acupuncturing the jianjing point in 393 cases of acute mastitis (abstract) Gao,D.K.;Su,J.M.;Liu,C.A.;Wang,Z.Y.;Qin,P.
- J Tradit Chin Med v.8 Effect of acupuncture treatment in 500 patients of mammary gland hyperplasia (abstract) Guo,C.J.;Zhang,W.H.
- Nor Vet Med v.30 On the agalactia post partum in the sow: A clinical study Hermansson,I.;Einarson,S.;Larsson,K.;Backstorm,L.
- American Journal of Acupuncture v.13 Effect of freezing-warming acupuncture in 90 cases of mammary hyperplasia (abstract) Hou,S.K.
- Veterinary pathology v.20 Ovarian hemanginoma in swine Hsu,F.S.
- Am J Vet Res v.49 Effect of acupuncture on young pigs with induced enteropathogenic Escherichia coli diarrhea Hwang,Y.C.;Jenkins,E.M.
- Vet Med Nauki v.24 Microbial etiology of the MMA syndrome (mastitis-metritis-agalactia) in swine raised commercially Korudzhiiski,N.;Bozhkova,B.;Gulubinov,G.V.;Dzhurova,I.;Georgiev,S.
- J Tradit Chin Med v.8 Thirty-two cases of acute mastitis treated with acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping (abstract) Liang,Z.P.
- Acupuncture for reproductive disorders. In: Problems in veterinary medicine, Veterinary acupuncture Lin,J.H.;Panzer,R.
- Vet Bulle v.50 Acupuncture effects on the body's defense systems. A Veterinary review Lin,J.H.;Rogers,P.A.M.
- Journal of Animal Science v.72 Effects of dietary vitamin E on sow reproductive performance over a five-parity period Mahan,D.C.
- Journal of Animal Science v.69 Assessment of the influence of dietary vitamin E on sows and foospring in three parties: reproductive, performance, tissue tocopherol, and effects on progeny Mahan,D.C.
- Yakugaku Zassh v.117 Molecular action mechanisms and membrane recognition of membrane-acting antimicrobial peptide Matsuzaki,K.
- Biochemistry v.36 Selective lysis of bacteria but not mammalian cells by diastereomers of mellitin: structure fraction study Oren,Z.;Shai,Y.
- Pharmazie v.10 Untersuchunen uber die antibakteriellen eigenschaften des bienengiftes Ortel,S.;Markwardt,P.
- Am J Vet Res v.42 Bacteriologic study of sow agalactia Ross,R.F.;Orning,A.P.;Woods,R.D.;Zimmermann,B.J.;Cox,D.F.;Harris,D.L.
- Inflammation v.10 Bee venom melittin blocks neutrophil O2-production Somerfield,S.D.;Stach,A.L.;Mraz,C.;Gervais,F.;Skamene,E.
- Nature v.292 Sequence and specificity of two antibacterial proteins involved in insect immunity Steiner,H.;Hultmark,D.;Engstrom,A.;Bennich,H.;Boman,H.G.
- J Tradit Chin Med v.2 Moxibustion of point Tanzhong and massage of point Tianzong in 47 cases of acute mastitis (abstract) Xiong,X.N.
- American Journal of Acupuncture v.15 Acute mastitis treated with acupuncture and bleeding on the forearm; Report of 124 cases (abstract) Xie,B.H.
- J Tradit Chin Med v.8 Acupuncture treatment for agalactia Yao,C.X.
- Clincal & Experimental Immunolgy v.94 Modulation of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) gene induction following honey bee venom administration to adjuvant arthritis (AA) rats; possible role of AGP on AA development Yiangou,M.;Kondaris,C.;Victoratos,P.;Hadjiptrou-Kourounakis,L.
- J Tradit Chin Med v.8 Therapeutic effect of microwave acupuncture on 53 cases of proliferative mastosis Yuan,S.;Mao,X.S.;An,L.;Wu,P.R.
- J Tradit Chin Med v.4 110 cases of mastosis treated by acuppuncture Yuan,S.;Zhang,Y.H.;Kang,X.S.
- Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases v.32 Effect of bee venom on experimental arthritis Zurier,R.B.;Mitnick,H.;Bloomgarden,D.;Weissmann,G.
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.16 관절염 유발 랫드에 대한 생봉독의 치료 효과 강성수;최석화;조성구
- 봉독요법과 봉침요법 김문호
- 최신 양봉학 김병호;조성구;최광수(등)
- 수의임상침구학 서두석
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.16 생봉독을 이용한 돼지 관절염의 치료효과 조성구;최석화;최향순;강성수;권영방
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.15 단미 창상의 생봉독 요법 최석화;강성수
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.16 생봉독을 이용한 세균성 설사 자돈의 치료효과 최석화;조성구;최향순;강성수;권영방
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