- Investigation in the reproduction of the male blue fox. In Riproduzione Animalee Fecondazione Artificiale, Scritti in onore di Telesforo Bonadonna Aamdal,J.
- Acta Vet Scand v.13 Fertility of frozen dog semen Anderson,K.
- Zuchthyg Insemination with frozen semen based on a new insemination technique Anderson,K.
- Canine semen freezing and artificial insemination. Current Veterinary Therapy Ⅹ Concannon,P.W.;Battiata,M.
- Vet Rec v.120 The use of a bovine plasma-progesterone ELISA kit to measure progesterone in equine, bovine and canine plasmas Eckersall,P.D.;Harvey,M.J.A.
- J Reprod Fertil no.SUP.39 Factors influencing in success rate of artificial insemination with frozen semen in the dog Farstad,W.;Anderson,Berg,K.
- Theriogenology v.a37 The effect of sperm number on fertility in blue fox vixens (Alopex lagopus) artificially inseminated with frozen silver fox (Vulpes vulpes) semen Farstad,W.;Fougner,J.A.;Torres,C.G.
- Theriogenology v.b38 The optimum time for single artificial insemination of blue fox vixens (Alopex lagopus) with frozen-thawed semen from silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes) Farstad,W.;Fougner,J.A.;Torres,C.G.
- Zuchthygiene v.19 The correlation between a cyclus coefficient based on cytological indices in the vaginal smear and circulating progesterone in oestrous bitches Farstad,W.
- J Reprod Fertil no.SUP.39 Insemination of beagle bitches with frozen semen Ferguson,J.M.;Renton,J.P.;Farstad,W.;Douglas,T.A.
- Am J Vet Res v.25 Extenders for freezing dog semen Foote,R.H.
- Nord Vet-Med v.25 Intrauterine insemination with frozen semen in the blue fox Fougner,J.A.;Aamdal,J.;Anderson,K.
- J Reprod Fertil no.SUP.39 Artificial insemination in fox breeding Fougner,J.A.
- Theriogenology v.48 Canine spermatozoa-cryopreservation and evaluation of gamete interaction Hay,M.A.;King,W.A.;Gartley,C.J.;Leibo,S.P.;Goodrowe,K.L.
- Theriogenology v.44 Effect of thawing regimens on the morphofunctional state of canine spermatozoa Ivanova-Kicheva,M.G.;Subev,M.S.;Bobadov,N.D.;Dacheva,D.P.;Rouseva,L.A.
- Korean J Emb Trans v.14 no.SUP.2 Production of pups following artificial insemination by intrauterine inseminator Kong,I.K.;Cho,S.G.;Im,Y.T.;Lee,S.I.
- J Reprod Fertil no.SUP.39 Fertility in dogs in relation to semen quality and the time and site of insemination with fresh and frozen semen Linde-Forsberg,C.;Forsberg,M.
- Scientifur v.4 Measurement of electrical resistance of the vaginal smear/mucous membrane in the blue fox (Alopex lagopus) and the silver fox (Vulpes argenteus) as an aid in heat detection Moller,O.;Froysedal,K.
- J Reprod Fertil no.SUP.39 Semen evaluation, cryopreservation and factors relevant to the use of frozen semen in dogs Morton,D.B.;Bruce,S.G.
- Anim Reprod Sci v.12 Changes acrosome morphology during cooling and freezing of dog semen Oettle,E.E.
- Veterinary Medicine v.80 Using frozen semen: A guide for practitioners Olar,T.T.
- J Reprod Fertil v.99 A new method for cryopreservation of mouse spermatozoa Penfold,L.M.;Moore,H.D.M.
- Theriogenology v.22 Extenders for preservation of canine and equine spermatozoa at 5℃ Province,C.A.;Amann,R.P.;Pickett,B.W.;Squires,E.L.
- J Amin Sci v.47 Effect of Orvus ES Paste on acrosome morphology, motility and fertilizing capacity of frozen-thawed boar sperm Pursel,V.G.;Schulman,L.L.;Johnson,L.A.
- J Reprod Fertil v.61 Some aspects of the aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of infertility in the bitch Renton,J.P.;Munro,C.D.;Heathcote,R.H.;Carmichael,S.
- Theriogenology v.47 Effects of equex STM paste on viability of frozen-thawed dog spermatozoa during in vitro incubation at 38℃ Rota,A.;Strom,B.;Linde-Forsberg,C.;Rodriguez-Martinez,H.
- Theriogenology v.44 Comparisons between three different extenders for canine intrauterine insemination with frozen-thawed spermatozoa Silva,L.D.M.;Verstegen,J.P.
- Update on freezing canine semen. Current Veterinary Therapy Ⅸ Smith,F.O.
- Anim Breed v.3 Artificial insemination in the fox Starkow,I.D.
- Theriogenology v.48 In vitro characteristics of canine spermatozoa subjected to two methods of cryopreservation Strom,B.;Rota,A.;Linde-Forsberg,C.
- 12th Int Cong Anim Reprod AI v.4 Addition of sodium dodecyl sulphate to tris-citrate extender improves motility and longevity of frozen-thawed canine spermatozoa Thomas,P.G.A.;Surman,V.;Myers-Wallen,V.N.;Concannon,P.W.
- J Reprod Fertil no.SUP.47 Non-surgical intrauterine insemination in bitches using frozen semen Wilson,M.S.
- J Small Anim Pract v.28 Some observations on the dilution, cooling and freezing of canine semen Yubi,A.C.;Ferguson,J.M.;Renton,J.P.;Harker,S.;Harvey,M.J.A.;Bagyenji,B.;Douglas,T.A.
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.12 Methanol 이용 동결 후 액체질소내 보존된 견 정액의 인공수정에 관한 연구 김병진;김용준
- 한국가축번식학회지 v.23 소형 개 정액의 단기보존과 동결보존후의 생존성에 관한 연구 김용섭;김상근;유상식;정진호
- 대한수의학회지 v.34 개에서 동결정액을 이용한 인공수정 -Methanol을 이용한 간이 동결방법- 김용준;박영재;김병진;유일정
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.14 개에서 내시경을 이용한 동결정액의 인공수정 신남식;문유식;정동희;김용준