This study was carried out to investigate weight gain and prevention of diarrhea in suckling calves which were injected with recombinant bovine somatopropin (rBST). A total of 101 breeding cows were assigned to the six groups according to the administered dosage and injected time, respectively. Groups T-1, T-3, T-4 and T-6 were injected starting 1 week before calving and groups T-2 and T-5 were injected on the calving day. The six groups were injected five times at two week intervals. Groups T-1 and T-2 were injected with 250mg composite rBST, Group T-3 was injected with 375 mg composite rBST. Groups T-4 and T-5 were injected with 500mg composite rBST, And group T-6 was injected with 500mg rBST-S. The control group was not injected with BST. The groups injected with 500 mg BrST had a lower rate of morbidity from diarrhea than the control group or the groups injected with 250 mg rBST (T-1 and T-2). Weight gain was higher in group T-4 than in the control group or groups T-1 and T-2. In Korean Native Cattle, the total weight gain was greater in group T-4 than in the control group (p<0.05). In crossbred cows, total weight gain was the highest in group T-4, and the total weight gain rate was greater than in group T-4 and the control group (p<0.05). The results of the hematological values showed that injections of rBST did not affect the level of the RBC, TP and BUN in the breeding cows at 9 weeks after postpartum or the neonatal calves. The results of this study indicate that injecting breeding cows with 500 mg rBST before calving would be effective in the preventing of diarrhea and in increasing weight gain of calves from birth to weaning.