Changes of Electrocardiogram and Electrolytes after the Administration of Succinylcholine Chloride in Dogs

개에서 Succinylcholine Chloride 투여시 심전도와 전해질의 변화

  • Published : 1999.12.01


We estimated the changes of ECG and electrolytes in serum after intravenous administration of Succinylcholine Chloride (SCC), 0.15 mg/kg in ten normal mongrel dogs (mean 13 kg). Hyperkalemia was observed in the highest level by 6.46$\pm$0.8 mEq/L at ten minutes after the administration of SCC. The ECG appeared temporary the most severe changes as the increased T wave, the disappeared P wave, the prolonged of conduction times (PR, QTc intervals and QRS complex), and arrhythmia as ventricular premature contraction at 3 and 5 minutes after the administration SCC. Therefore, the changes of ECG after administration of SCC were suggested to specific and independent from hyperkalemic changes. Because these changes were observed to differ from ECG by hyperkalemia, and the highest period of $K^+$value in serum differ from the appearance period of severe changes of ECG and arrhythmia by SCC.



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