- Anesthesiology v.49 no.5 Changes in total serum Ca, Na, and K with administration of succinylcholine Bourke,D.L.;Rosenberg,M.
- BMJ v.313 no.7058 Hyperkalaemic cardiac arrest Bresland,M.K.;Bodenham,A.R.
- Acta Anaesthesiol Scand v.28 Effects of Succinylcholine Chlo ride on the Response of Fast and Slow Muscle in the Cat Choi,W.W.;Gregis,S.D.
- Anesthesiology v.32 no.2 Massive Hyperkalemia after administration of Succinylcholine Coopeman,L.H.;Strobel,G.E.
- Anesthesiology v.62 Intracranial and Hemodynamic Changes after Succinylcholine Administration in Cats Cottrell,J.E.
- Am J Vet Res v.52 no.6 Pharmacodynamic properties of succinylcholine in greyhounds Curtis,M.B.;Eicker,S.E.
- Br. J. Anaesth v.54 Suxamethonium Durant,N.N.;Katz,R.L.
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- A Review of American Heart Journal v.88 no.3 Hyperkalemia, cardiac conduction, and the electrocardiogram Ettinger,P.O.;Regan,T.J.;Olderwurtel,H.A.
- Textbook of veterinary internal medicine; Diseases of the dog and cat(3rd ed.) Ettinger,S.J.
- Am J Vet Res v.38 no.3 Cardiovascular effects of gallamine triethiodide and Succinylcholine Chloride during halothane anesthesia in the dog Evans,A.T.;Anderson,L.K.;Eyster,G.E.;Sawyer,D.C.
- Canine and Feline Cardiology Fox,P.R.
- Anesthesiology v.75 no.4 The onset of disuse-related potassium efflux to succinylcholine Fung,D.L.;White,D.A.;Jones,B.R.;Gronert,G.A.
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- Anesthesiology v.52 Succinylcholine Infusion May Cause Asystole Greenfeld,A.L.
- Anesthesiology v.43 no.1 Pathophysiology of hyperkalemia induced by succinylcholine Gronert,G.A.;Theye,R.A.
- Eur J Anaesthesiol v.15 no.2 Suxamethonium-induced cardiac arrest and death following 5 days of immobilization Hansen,D.
- Critical Care Clinics v.10 no.4 Pharmacology of neuromuscular blocking agents in the intensive care unit HansonⅢ,C.W.
- Am J Vet Res v.44 no.12 Succinylcholine infusion associated with hyperthermia in ponies anesthetized with halothane Hildebrand,S.V.;Howitt,G.A.
- Anesth Analg v.87 no.3 The effects of verapamil and diltiazem pretreatment potassium release in dogs after the administration of succinylcholine Howie,M.B.;Kramer,M.G.McSweeney,T.D.
- Br. J. Anaesth v.42 no.11 Haemodynamic effects of tubocurarine, gallamine and suxamethonium in dogs Hughes,R.
- Anesth Analg v.65 Succinylcholine Pretreatment with Magnesium Sulfate James,M.Cork,R.C.
- Can J Anaesth v.34 no.4 Plasma ionized calcium during paediatric anaesthesia: effects of pH and succinylcholine Kancir,C.B.Petersen,P.H.
- Acta Anaesthesiol Scand v.25 Effects of Precurarization on the blood Pressure and Heart Rate Changes Induced by Suxamethonium Facilitated Laryngoscopy and Intubation Kautto,U.M.
- Anesthesiology v.64 Cerebral Stimulation Following Succinylcholine in Dogs Lanier,W.L.Milde,J.H.;Michenfelder,J.D.
- Anesth Analg v.66 no.12 Mechanisms of succinylcholine-induced arrhythmias in hypoxic or hypoxic: hypercarbic dogs Leiman,B.C.Katz,J.;Butler,B.D.
- Chest v.111 no.1 Succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia following prolonged pharmacologic neuromuscular blockade Markewitz,B.A.;Elstad,M.R.
- Anesthesiology v.61 no.6 Exaggerated increase in serum potassium following succinylcholine in dogs with beta blockade McCammom,R.L.;Stoelting,R.K.
- Pediatric annals v.24 no.1 Disorders of Potassium Balance Mcdonald,R.A.
- Anesthesiology v.65 Increases in Intracranial Pressure from Succinylcholine : Prevention by Prior Nondepolarizing Blockade Minton,M.D.;Grosslight,K.;Stirt,J.A.
- Anesth Analg v.67 no.6 Should calcium administration be avoided in treatment of hyperkalemia in malignant hyperthermia? Murakawa,M.;Hatamo,Y.;Magaribuchi,T.;Mori,K.
- Biochem Pharmacol v.33 no.15 Succinylcholinetissue distribution and elimination from plasma in the dog Nordgren,I.;Baldwin,K.;Forney,R.J.
- Am J Vet Res v.43 no.3 Effect of diazepam pretreatment on succinylcholine induced muscle fasciculation in the dog Raffe,M.R.;Crimi,A.J.
- Acta Anaesthesiol Scand v.27 Prolongation of WT Interval During Induction of Anaesthesia Saarnivaara,L.;Lindgren,L.
- Anesth Analg v.48 no.5 Succinylcholine Induced Hyperkalemia in Burned Patients Schaner,P.J.;Brown,R.L.;Kirksey,T.D.
- Anesth Analg v.75 no.2 Succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemic arrest in a patient with severe metabolic acidosis and exsanguinating hemorrhage Schwartz,D.E.;Kelly,B.;Caldwell,J.E.;Carlisle,A.S.;Cohen,N.H.
- Acta Anaesthesiol Scand v.28 no.2 Bradycardia and cardiac asystole following a single infection of suxamethonium Sorensen,M.;Engbaek,J.;Viby,Mogensen,J.;Guldager,H.;Molke,J.F.
- Anesthesiology v.80 no.6 Are Only Large Doses of Rocuronium an Altemative to Succinylcholine for Rapid-sequence induction Sparr,H.J.;Mitterschiffthaler,G.
- Hypocalcemia, Hyperkalemia in: Essentials of Canine and feline Electrocardiography(2nd ed.) Tilley,L.P.
- Muscle Relaxants and Neuromuscular Block In: Lumb & Jones' Veterinary Anesthesia(3rd ed.) Thurmon,J.C.;Tranquilli,W.J.
- Anesth Analg v.69 Differing Effects of Agonist and Antagonist Muscle Relaxants and Cat Jaw Muscles Van Der Spek AFL;Reynolds,P.I.;Ashton,Miller,J.A.
- Acta Anaesthesiol Scand v.41 Serum potassium concentrations after suxamethonium in patients with familial amyloid polyneuropathy type Ⅰ Viana,J.S.;Neves,S.;Vierira,H.
- Anaesth Intensive Care v.18 no.1 Suxamethonium and hyperkalaemia Yentis,S.M.
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.7 no.1 Succinylcholine Chloride로 근이완된 개에 있어서 Doxapram Hydrochloride에 의한 회복효과 김명철
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.16 no.1 Succinylcholine Chloride의 근이완에 대한 Yohimbine의 효과 김명철;변흥섭;김종만
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.25 Succinylcholine Chloride의 꽃사슴에서의 근이완효과 김명철;김찬규