편측성 만성 녹내장을 지닌 Shih-tzu의 안구적출술 치유예

A Case of Transpalpebral Enucleation in Shih-tzu with Chronic Unilateral Glaucoma

  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


A 4-year-old female Shih-tzu with severe episcleral congestion and buphthalmos in left eye was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Chonnam National University in October 1998. During two months in local veterinary clinics, the dog had been treated unsuccessfully with tarsorrhaphy and antibiotics. By history taking, cause of the glaucoma was ascertained as accidental nonpenetrated cornea trauma by owner, Ophthalmic examination revealed that the left eye was buphthalmic with severe episcleral congestion, pain and fever. The direct pupillary light response could not be evaluated in the left eye, but right eye had normal reaction. The intraocular pressure was 4.5 mmHg in the right eye and 33 mmHg in the left eye, as measured with a Schiotz tonometer, Ultrasonographic finding revealed hyperechoic vitrous body and central echofree material. The Schirmer tear test showed 20 mm in the left eye and 8 mm in the right eye. The hematologic examination revealed monocytosis. The initial medical treatment was admitted, but there was no response. Transpalpebral enucleation in the left eye under inhalation anesthesia with enflurane 1.2 vol% in oxygen was performed. The day after operation the left eye ravealed no exudate, and pain, and the systemic vital signs were normal. The prognosis is excellent.



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  22. 수의 내과학(1판) 수의내과학교수협의회Ⅲ 李周默;眼疾病