- J Pharm Pharmacol v.43 A survey of the antibacterial activity of some New Zealand honeys Allen,L.L;Molan,P.C.;Reid,G.M.
- Problems in veterinary medicine, Veterinary Acupuncture Acupuncture for gastrointestinal disorders Dill,S.G.
- Research & Development Technical Report Antibacterial action of a bee venom fraction (melittin) against a penicillin-resistant staphylococcus and other microorganisms Fennell,J.F.;Shipman,W.H.;Cole,L.J.
- Br Med J v.290 Honey in the treatment of infantile gastroenteritis Haffejee,I.E.;Moosa,A.L.
- Am J Vet Res v.49 Effect of acupuncture on young pigs with induced enteropathogenic Escherichia coli diarrhea Hwang,Y.C,;Jenkins,E.M.
- Veterinary acupuncture Klide,A.M.;Kung,S.H.
- Am J Chin Med v.16 Control of preweaning diarrhea in piglets by acupuncture and Chinese medicine Lin,J.H.;Lo,Y.Y.;Shu,N.S.;Wang,J.S.;Lai,T.M.;Kung,S.C.;Chan,W.W.
- Vet Bulle v.50 Acupuncture effects on the body's defense systems. A Veterinary Review Lin,J.H.;Rogers,P.A.M.
- J Tradit Chin Med v.13 no.2 Clinical and experimental studies on shallow needling technique for treating childhood diarrhea Lin,Y.;Zhou,Z.;Shen,W.;Shen,J.;Hu,M.;Zhang,F.;Hu,P.;Xu,M.;Huang,S.;Zheng,Y.
- Bee World v.73 no.2 The antibacterial activity of honey. variation in the potency of the antibacterial activity Molan,P.C.
- Am J Chin Med v.3 A summary of research concerning the effects of acupuncture O'Conner,J.;Bensky,D.
- Pharmazie v.10 no.12 Untersuchunen uber die antibakteriellen Eigenschaften des Bienengiftes Ortel,S.;Markwardt,F.
- Ann Acad Med Singapore v.16 no.2 Laser acupuncture anaesthesia and therapy in People's Republic of China Qin,J.N.
- J Roy Soc Med v.87 Susceptibility of helicobacter pylori to the antibacterial activity of Manuka honey Somal,N.A.;Coley,K.E.;Molan,P.C.;Hancock,B.M.
- Nature v.292 Sequence and specificity of two antibacterial proteins involved in insect immunity Steiner,H.;Hultmark,D.;Engstrom,A.;Bennich,H.;Boman,H.G.
- American Bee Journal v.11 Therapeutic applications of bee venom and Its components in the dog Vick,J.;Brooks,B.;Shipman,W.
- J Tradit Chin Med v.9 Acupuncture treatment for 30 cases of infantile chronic diarrhea Wenling,F.
- J Tradit Chin Med v.7 Observation of therapeutic effects of acupuncture treatment in 170 cases of infant diarrhea Yingchun,L.
- Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion v.9 Clinical observation of 500 cases with pediatric diarrhea treated by acupuncture Zhongxin,X.
- J Roy Soc Med v.83 Honey: A remedy rediscovered Zumla,A.;Lulat,A.
- Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases v.32 no.5 Effect of bee venom on experimental arthritis Zurier,R.B.;Mitnick,H.;Bloomgarden,D.;Weissmann,G.
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- 中國獸醫針灸圖譜. 李長卿;猿文學
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