- Vet Rec v.101 Anatomical features of cystic ovaries in cattle found during an abattoir survey Al-Dahash,S.Y.A.;David,J.S.E.
- J Anim Sci v.63 Effect of FSH treatment on LH and FSH receptors in chronic cystic-ovarian diseased dairy cows Brown,J.L;Schoenemann,H.M.;Reeves,J.J.
- Anim Reprod Sci v.5 Progesterone, 17α-hydroxyprogesterone, androgens and oestrogens in bovine ovarian cysts Choi,H.S.;Mostl,E.;Bamberg,E.
- Vet Med v.86 The diagnosis, differentiation, and pathogenesis of cystic ovarian diseases Day,N.
- J Endocrinol v.113 Preliminary investigations into the endocrine systems of subfertile cattle Dobson,H.;Alam,M.G.S.
- Theriogenology v.34 Diagnosis of luteal and follicular ovarian cysts in dairy cows by sector scan ultrasonography Farin,P.W.;Youngquist,R.S.;Parfet,J.R.;Garverick,H.A.
- Vet Rec v.132 An ultrasonographic study of bovine cystic ovarian disease and its treatment Jeffcoate,I.A.;Ayliffe,T.R.
- Theriogenology v.33 Relationship between ultrasonic assessment of the corpus luteum and plasma progesterone concentration in heifers Kastelic,J.P.;Bergfelt,D.R.;Ginther,O.J.
- Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet (Supplement) v.19 Therapeutic uses of gonadotropinreleasing hormone Kesler,D.J.
- J Anim Sci v.55 Ovarian cysts in dairy cattle: A review Kesler,D.J.;Garverick,H.A.
- Berl Munch Tierrarztl v.92 Zur Ovarialzyste des Rindes. I. Klassifizierung und Diagnose Leidl,W.;Stolla,R.;Hundschell,C.H.;Bostedt,H.
- Br Vet J v.143 A review and update of cystic ovarian diseases in dairy cattle: A review Lopez-Diaz,M.C.;Bosu,T.K.
- J Vet Med Sci v.55 Effect of fenprostalene 14 days after fertirelin treatment of intervals from treatment to conception in cows with follicular cysts diagnosed by milk progesterone test Nakao,T.;Harada,A.;Kimura,M.;Takagi,H.;Kaneko,K.;Sugiyama,S.;Sato,A.;Moriyoshi,M.;Kawata,K.
- Res Vet Sci v.51 Lack of LH response to oestradiol treatment in cows with cystic ovarian disease and effect of progesterone treatment or manual rupture Nanda,A.S.;Ward,W.R.;Dobson,H.
- Theriogenology v.41 Ultrasonographic imaging to monitor early pregnancy and embryonic development in the buffalo Pawshe,C.H.;Appa Rao,K.B.C.;Totey,S.M.
- Br Vet J v.150 Ultrasound and progesterone monitoring of ovarian follicular cysts in cows treated with GnRH Ribadu,A.Y.;Dobson,H.;Ward,W.R.
- Vet Rec v.135 Comparative evaluation of ovarian structures in cattle by palpation per rectum, ultrasonography and plasma progesterone concentration Ribadu,A.Y.;Ward,W.R.;Dobson,H.
- Theriogenology v.40 Elevated inhibin concentraation in the follicular fluid of dairy cows with chronic systic ovarian disease Roberge,S.;Brown,J.L.;Reeves,J.J.
- Reprod Dom Anim v.30 Relationship between ultrasonic corpus luteum area and milk progesterone concentration during the estrous cycle in cows Son,C.H.;Schwarzenberger,F.;Arbeiter,K.
- Theriogenology v.31 The predictive value, sensitivity and specificity of palpation per rectum and transrectal ultrasonography for the determination of corpora lutea status Sprecher,D.J.;Nebel,R.J.;Whitman,S.S.
- J Vet Med Sci v.60 Changes of ovarian structures, plasma LH, FSH progesterone and estradiol-17β in a cow with ovarian cysts showing spontaneous recovery and relapse Yoshioka,K.;Ivamura,S.;Kamomae,H.
- 대한수의학회지 v.16 전남지역 유우에 있어서 번식장애우의 발생상황 및 그 혈액치의 평가에 관한 연구 강병규;나진수
- 대한수의학회지 v.27 한우 및 유우의 난소낭종에 관한 해부조직학적 소견 및 난소호르몬 분석 강병규;최한선;정영기
- 대한수의학회지 v.34 Progesterone 농도측정에 의한 유우의 번식효율증진에 관한 연구. Ⅱ. 혈액 및 유즙증 progesterone 농도측정에 의한 난소낭종의 감별진단 강병규;최한선;최상공;손창호;전홍석
젖소에서 prostaglandin
$F_{2α}$ 또는 fenprostalene 투여후 초음파 진단장치로 측정된 황체의 크기와 혈장 progesterone 농도와의 관계 손창호;강병규;최한선;강현구;오기석;김남기