초음파검사에 의한 소의 번식장애 감별진단 및 치료법 개발 IV, 발정확인 및 조기 임신진단

Development of Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Method of Reproductive Disorders Using Ultrasonography in Cows IV. Confirmation of Estrus Detection and Early Pregnancy Diagnosis

  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


Plasma progesterone (P$_4$) concentrations were measured for confirming the estrus observation and for the early pregnancy diagnosis in 130 cows of small farmers. Ultrasonographic examinations were performed from day 30 after artificial insemination to establish the characteristic ultrasonographic appearances of gestational structures in each pregnant stages. Of the 130 cows inseminated, 111 cows (85.4%) were an ovulatory estrus, 12 cows (9.2%) were an unovulatory estrus, and 7 cows (5.4%) were the error of estrus detection, respectively. The accuracy for early pregnancy diagnosis in 111 ovulatory estrus cows achieved when the discriminatory concentration at day 21 after artificial insemination was placed at 3.0 ng-/ml in plasma, was 86.7 % for positive diagnosis and 100% for negative diagnosis, respectively. Pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasonography were performed to evaluate gestational structures from day 30 after artificial insemination in 83 cows. Pregnant cows were 72 of 83 cows. The characteristic ultrasonography of gestational structures in each gestational stages was as follows. The embryo proper was observed within anechoic fetal fluid between 28 and 40 days after insemination, and amnion and embryonic heartbeat was also detected in this period. Between days 41 and 50, embryo proper was detected as an discriminated from head and body, and forelimb buds and hindlimb buds were also observed in this period. Between days 51 and 60, an embryo proper was clearly discriminated from head and body, and fetal movement, forelimb buds and hindlimb buds were observed in this period. Between days 61 and 70, fetus was completely developed, and fetal skeleton, organs and cotyledon were observed. After day 71, each organs of fetus were rapidly developed and a fetus was partially observed in screen because fetus was too big and larger, These results indicate that plasma P$_4$ determination at days 0,6 and 21 after artificial insemination can be utilized for confirming the estrus observation and for early pregnancy diagnosis. Also, ultrasonography was reliable method for early pregnancy diagnosis at day 30 after artificial insemination.



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  28. 대한수의학회지 v.35 Progesterone 농도측정에 의한 유우의 번식효율증진에 관한 연구. V. 혈장 progesterone 농도측정에 의한 무발정의 감별진단 및 PGF₂α 또는 GnRH 치료효과의 판정 강병규;최한선;손창호;오기석;강현구;김삼주;김혁진;김남기
  29. 대한수의학회지 v.30 한우의 번식효율증진에 관한 연구. -발정주기 및 임신초기의 progesterone 농도변화 강병규;최한선;이정길;손창호
  30. 대한수의학회지 v.30 한우의 번식효율 증진에 관한 연구. -Progesterone 농도 측정에 의한 조기임신진단 강병규;최한선;이정길;손창호;서국현
  31. 대한수의학회지 v.34 Progesterone 농도측정에 의한 유우의 번식효율증진에 관한 연구. I. 유즙증 progesterone 농도측정에 의한 발정확인 및 조기임신진단 강병규;최한선;최상공;손창호
  32. 대한수의학회지 v.34 Progesterone 농도측정에 의한 유우의 번식효율증진에 관한 연구. Ⅱ. 혈액 및 유즙증 progesterone 농도측정에 의한 난소낭종의 감별진단 강병규;최한선;최상공;손창호;전홍석
  33. 대한수의학회지 v.34 Progesterone 농도측정에 의한 유우의 번식효율에 관한 연구. Ⅳ. 유즙증 progesterone 농도측정에 의한 분만후 난소기능회복상태의 검토 강병규;최한선;최상공;손창호;오기석;강현구
  34. 한국임상수의학회지 v.12 젖소에서 prostaglandin F₂α 또는 fenprostalene 투여후 초음파 진단장치로 측정된 황체의 크기와 혈장 progesterone 농도와의 관계 손창호;강병규;최한선;강현구;김남기
  35. 대한수의학회지 v.31 제주재래마의 혈중 progesterone 농도측정에 의한 임신진단에 관한 연구 장덕지;양기천;김중규;강병규;최한선;손창호
  36. 한국수정란이식학회지 v.11 초음파를 이용한 한우의 조기임신진단에 관한 연구 전병준;윤기영;이은송;이우근;이병천;황우석
  37. 대한수의학회지 v.32 한국재래산양의 발정주기중 혈장 progesterone 농도변화와 조기임신진단에의 응용 최한선;박영준;강병규;박범준;손창호