Genomic Fingerprinting of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Bovine Mastitis Milk by PCR

젖소 유방염 유래 Staphylococcus aureus의 PCR을 이용한 Genomic Fingerprinting

  • Kim, Doo (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Kwon, Soon-Tak (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Kangwon National University) ;
  • An, So-Jeo (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Kangwon National University)
  • 김두 (강원대학교 동물자원과학대학 수의학과) ;
  • 권순탁 (강원대학교 동물자원과학대학 수의학과) ;
  • 안소저 (강원대학교 동물자원과학대학 수의학과)
  • Published : 1999.06.01


A total of 137 strains of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from dairy cow's milk with subclinical mastitis from 33 herds in 5 provinces and 36 strains of S aureus from clinical mastitis from 4 herds where the mastitis were severe problem. Arbitrary primed polymerase chain reactions with 10 bp oligonucleotide primer were performed and the PCR products were analysed with image analyzer, The S aureus strains were genotyped into 20 distinct DNA fingerprinting profiles. The size of PCR products ranged from 163 to 2,479 bp and PCR products of 506, 770, 784 and 2,479 bp were the most prevailing bands. Genotype 3 was founded in all 5 provinces. The various genotypes were identified in newly founded dairy herds, however, only one or two genotypes were identified in the closed herds. In clinical mastitis, only a limited number of different S aureus genotype was founded in each of the herds in comparision with subclinical mastitis. The results demonstrated that PCR-based DNA fingerprinting analysis of S aureus strain can be used to study epidemiology of mastitis, in addition, common genotype in geographic region can be useful for the development of an effective S aureus bacterin.



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