- Myongji Univ, Graduate Course, Ph D Thesis The protective effect of leek on the cadmium poisoning in rats Ahn,R.H.
- Proc Exp Biol Med v.130 Dietary cadmium, iron and zinc interaction in the growing rat Bains,R,J.;Pond,W.J.;Walker,E.F.
- Veterinary toxicoloty Bartik,M.;Piscac,A.
- Veterinary medicine(6th ed.) Blood,D.C.;Henderson,J.A.;Radostitis,O.M.
- J Nutr v.101 Effect of ascorbic acid on cadmium toxicity in the young coturinix Fox,M.R.S.;Fry,B.E.;Schertel,M.E.
- AMA Arch Indust Hyg v.5 Futher investigations on chronic poisoning, A study on rabbit with radioactive cadmium Friberg,L.
- Arch Environ Health v.28 Renal and skeletal leisons in experimental cadmium poisoning Itokawa,Y.;Abe,T.;Tabei,R.
- Korea Univ Med J v.21 no.1 A study on the effect of garlic on toxicity of cadmium in the rats Kim,S.K.
- Korea Univ Med J v.21 no.3 The effect of garlic on pathological damages of testis due to cadmium poisoning Lee,H.S.;Bae,E.S.;Cha,C.W.
- Korea J Vet Res v.27 The effects of dietary cadmium, zinc, iron and copper concentrations of tissues and hair in rats Lee,K.W.;Lee,H.B.
- Arch Environ Health v.25 Cadmium and zinc in pregnancy and lactation Lucis,O.J.;Lucis,R.S.;Shaikn,Z.A.
- J Dairy Sci v.58 Metabolism and toxicity of cadmium, mercury and lead in animal Neathery,M.W.;Miller,W.J.
- Am J Res v.42 Comparative toxicity of feeding dired urban sludges and an equivalent amount of cadmium to swine Osuna,O.;Edds,G.T.;Popp,J.A.
- Am J Physiol v.219 Hypertention and tissue metal levels following intravenous cadmium, mercury and zinc Perry,H.M.;Erlanger,A.;Yunice,S.E.
- Acta Pharmacol & Toxicol v.2 Studies on incisor pigmentation in relation on liver, iron and blood picture in white rat. Ⅳ. The relation between cadmium poisoning and iron metabolism Pindborg,E.V.;Pindborg,J.J.;Plum,C.M.
- Arch Environ Heath v.12 Proteinuria in chronic cadmium poisoning Piscator,M.
- Arch Internat Pharmacodyn v.86 Liver and spleen in haematopoiesis Plum,C.M.
- J Nutr v.36 Cadmium induced anemia in growing pig. Protective effect of oral or parental iron Pond,W.G.;Walker,E.F.;Kirtland,D.
- J Nutr v.104 Pathological changes produced in Japanese quail by ingestion of cadmium Richardson,M.E.;Fox,M.R.S.;Fry,B.E.
- J Chronic Dis v.14 Abnormal trace metals in man, cadmium Schroeder,H.A.;Balassa,J.J.
- JAVMA v.177 Public health aspects of toxic heavy metals in animal feeds Sharma,R.P.;Street,J.C.
- Clinical and morphologic effects of oral cadmium toxicity in rabbit v.94 Stowe,H.D.;Wilson,M.;Goyer,R.A.
- Heavy metal toxicology (printed Japanese) Medical v.21 Tsuchiya,K.
- Jap J Ind Health v.16 Perspective in the environmental toxicology Tsuchiya,K.
- Trace element in human and animal nutrition(4th ed.) Underwood,E.J.
- Arch Environ Health v.30 Bone and kidney leisons in experimental cadmium intoxication Yoshiki,S.;Yanagisawa,T.;Kimura,M.
- 韓國植物大寶鑑(資源編) 송주석