- IFAI. St. Paul. Minnesota v.1-3 Geotextiles and geomembranes definitions, properties and design J.P.Giroud
- Geotextiles and geomembranes in civil engineering Van Zanten R.;Veldhuijzen
- Geotextile and Geomembrances v.2 no.3 Geotextiles in geotechnical engineering practice and research J.P.Giroud;A.Arman;J.R.Bell
- Designing with geosynthetics(4th Ed.) R.M.Koerner
- Geomembranes identification and performance testing A.Rollin;J.M.Rigo
- Report EPA /600/2-88/052 Lining of waste containment and other impoundment facilities Matrecon Inc
- Plastics engineering R.J.Crawford
- Engineering with polymers P.C.Powell
- Reinforced soil retaining sturctures and polymeric materials F.Schlosser;P.Delage
- Construction quality management for remedial action and remedial design waste containment systems G.N.Richardson
- Special Technical Publication STP 1081 Geosynthetics testing for waste containment applications Y.H.Halse;A.E.Lord;R.M.Koerner
- Durability and aging of geosynthetics L.Rebenfeld;T.F.Cooke
- Geosynthetics for soil improvement R.D.Holtz
- STP No.952 Geotextile testing and the design engineer B.Myles