연근해어업 구조개선의 의의, 문제점과 추진 방향

The definition, problems and policy direction of structure reform in Korean coastal and offshore fisheries.

  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


This paper focused on meaning, problems and prospect of structural reform of coastal and offshore fisheries in Korea. Structural reform can be defined as effective combination of production factors in order to enhance fisheries productivity and it can be realized mainly through fleet reduction, modernization of fishing vessels and fishing gear etc. However, the structural reform alone will not be sufficient to advance Koreanl fisheries facing with severe challenges from both inside and outside. Domestically, worsening status of fisheries resources, decreasing number of fishermen, worsening financial status of fisheries businesses and severe competition cause structural problem in fisheries sector and internationally the pressure from WTO and OECD to reduce tariff and subsides in fisheries poses severe challenges. The structural reform should be carried out in relation with the general adjustment programs across coastal and offshore fisheries such as M&A among fisheries businesses, adjustment of number of fishing permits and fishing areas. And the policy to enhance the fishing productivity is needed for recovery of fisheries resources and for the reduction of fishing efforts, that is, the approach which combines economic and resources concerns is needed. For the effective implementation of the reform, effect analysis of the reform program is needed and at the same time, eradication of illegal fishing, reduction of fishing fleet and reduction of fishing cost should be realized. However, the most important thing is the will and efforts of the government for successful reform. If the government does not exert sufficient efforts for the structural reform, Korea could be degraded into a backward country in fisheries.
