동중국해ㆍ황해에 있어서 국제적 어업재편과 과제

Reorganization of International Fisheries Regime in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea

  • 김대영 (일본 장기대학 수산학부(일본학술진흥재단))
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


This study discussed the international reorganization of fisheries in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea, for the cases of Korea, China and Japan, through the fishery competition and the division of sea areas and resources. In these sea areas, each country has done mutual operation, which causes the fishery competition and controls fishery development. Besides, Exclusive Economic Zon(EEZ) established in 1996 resulted in the prominent changes of fishery development as well as fishery relationship among each country, demands reorganization of fisheries. New fishery order in these sea areas is controlled by BEZ system. The fishery reorganization according to EEZ is a common issue of each country and it also includes the importance of mutual fishery agreement. Resources of fisheries could be used continuously under reasonable management. Each country should consider the stability and existence of fisheries in the international viewpoint. At this point of time, those should be considered such as adjustment of interests according to the division of sea areas, establishment of resource management system and insurance of fishery management, for the subject of fishery reorganization.
