선박운항시스템에 있어서 인적요소(Human Factors)의 개념에 관한 고찰

A Study on the Concept of Human Factors in Ship Operating System

  • 황병호 (한국해양수산연구원 항해학과) ;
  • 이종인 (한국해양대학교)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


In the recent past, maritime safety research has been applied primarily to technological requirements and progression of regulations on standards of safety from which the ISM Code has resulted. Despite the engineering and technological innovations, significant marine casualties continue to occur, which indicates that human factors are an area requiring more focused attention. This paper aims to study the clear concept and its details of human factors in ship operating system through the investigation of researches presented so far. The purpose of studying human factors is to identify how the crew, the owners, the classification societies, and the regulatory bodies can work together to sever the chain of errors which are associated with every marine casualty. The human factors in ship operating system may be defined as the study and analysis of the interaction between the operator and system variables composing the system, most importantly the procedures and the crew and management follow.
