A Comparative Study on the Top Executive Secretaries' Job task and Ability of Foreign Language of Selected Coporations in Korea and Asia

기업 최고경영자 비서의 직무능력에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1999.03.01


In today's firms, there is an increasing awareness amongst managers and executives on the importance of secretary's role. This is a study on the profile of the corporate executive secretary's job responsibilities with emphasis on communication skills, interpersonal and foreign language fluency, which I deem relevant to their position. As a result, I believe that an executive secretary must obtain at least a two-year secretarial degree, Furthermore, I propose that their education must include and stress emphasis in foreign languages. Nevertheless, I feel that in today's global economy, it is important that executive secretaries are fluent in at least two(2) foreign languages that would enable him/her to write his/her boss' speeches, editing dictated materials and creating corresspondences. This study is believed to contribute to the education of the future executive secretaries and the managers etc.

회의진행, 회의의 직접참석, 상사의 일정관리, 문서의 작성기록, 대인관계 및 조직원들간의 중요사항 등 비서의 업무능력에 역점을 두고, 비서의 프로필과 월 급여와의 관계를 조사·연구하여 급여제도를 밝히고, 외국어 능력과 직무를 아시아의 경우와 비교한다.
