- Ann Zool v.27 Trichopteres de la Republique Democratique-Populaire de la Coree Botosaneanu L
- Korean J Syst Zool v.15 Taxonomic notes on Limnephilidae and Goperidae (Trichoptera: Limnephiloidea)of Korea Choe HJ;Kumanski K;Woo KS
- Trichopterorum Catalogus Fischer FCJ
- Korean J Limnol v.7 On the larvae of Trichoptera from Korea Kim JW
- V.Superfamily Limnephiloidea, except Lepidostomatidae and Leptoceridae v.8 Stuides on Trichoptera of Koera Kumanski K
- Braueria v.20 no.14 Some caddisflies From Korea Malicky H
- Acta Entomol Bohemoslov v.86 Taxonomische und faunistische Notizen zu einigen kocherfliegen (Trichoptera) aus Korea Mey W
- Folia Entomol Hung v.66 Three new Trichoptera from Korea Olah J
- Korean J Syst Zool v.14 New records of the Limnephiloidea (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Korea Park SJ;Bae YJ
- Mem Coll Sci Kyoto Imperial Univ Ser B v.17 Zur Kenntnis der Koreanischen Trichopteren Tsuda M
- Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera (Trichoptera) 2nd ed Wiggins GB
- J Chosen Nat Hist Soc v.24 On some trichopterous larvae and pupae from Dagelet lsland or Utsuryo-to Yamada M
- Entomol Soc Wash 98 The genus Goera (Trichoptera: Goeridae) in China0 Yang L and Armitage BJ
- Aquatic Insects v.30 lllustrated Encyclopedia of Fauna and Flora of Korea Yoon IB;Kim KH