New Species of Philophylla Rondani from Myanmar in Comparison with Closely Related Sympatric Species, Philophylla nigroscutellata (Hering) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

  • Ho-Yeon Han (Department of Life Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Yonsei University)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


Philophylla heringi, sp. nov., and P. nigroscutellata(Hering) are described, illustrated, and distinguished from related species. These two species, both of which were collected from Kambaiti, Myanmar, closely resemble each other in external appearance, but show many differences in the female postabdominal structures. In addition, previous identification of P. nigroscutellata and P. bisecta Hardy and Adachi are elucidated based on a comparison of the holotypes of both species.



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